Up until I went back to work last week, BFing was going well. Then I went back and started pumping 3x/day. I'm only getting just over 3oz out of the 2nd and 3rd pumps. The first pump is great (5oz +) because it was last fed off of the night before. E feeds 5x/day, with the first and last being from the breast, and the other 3 in the middle are bottles. She has no trouble with the bottles and will wolf down a feeding of around 4oz. She is STTN and usually doesn't wake to feed in the middle of the night anymore.
My nipples have been more sore since I started pumping more, and it's impacting my comfort during our two daily feedings together. I have felt them aching or stinging between feeds. I'm trying to switch between lanolin and EMAB nipple butter, but I'm not sure I'm doing it right/enough or if I'm missing something. One nipple looked like it had a blister on it, but it has gone away and left a little skin flap. We use a nipple shield and E doesn't have any teeth yet.
Any thoughts/ideas? I'd like to boost my supply a little more so that I feel like I've got enough to add to the rice cereal we will be starting in the next few days! And I'd like to not have such a visceral reaction to breastfeeding like I have been over the past few days.
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My nipples have been more sore since I started pumping more, and it's impacting my comfort during our two daily feedings together. I have felt them aching or stinging between feeds. I'm trying to switch between lanolin and EMAB nipple butter, but I'm not sure I'm doing it right/enough or if I'm missing something. One nipple looked like it had a blister on it, but it has gone away and left a little skin flap. We use a nipple shield and E doesn't have any teeth yet.
Any thoughts/ideas? I'd like to boost my supply a little more so that I feel like I've got enough to add to the rice cereal we will be starting in the next few days! And I'd like to not have such a visceral reaction to breastfeeding like I have been over the past few days.
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