We're breaking a record for most days of 90+ temperatures. I wonder if anyone else does this... When I park somewhere and have to get my kids out, I always leave a door open (usually the driver door) until my kids are unbuckled and out. Then, with my kids in tow, I go around and close the door. My logic is, what if my key stops working, what if I trip on my way to getting my kids and can't get them out Does anyone else do this???
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Kids in car and hot weather
So, this is why I love my minivan. I open one of the kids' doors by remote before I close my door (my kids are old enough to stay seated until I "release" them. I have the same fear. Obviously, I would break a window if they were stuck, but is really rather not.
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Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!
I used to do that when I was putting the boys in the car. I'd throw my purse in the front passenger seat and leave the door open, then come back and close it once everyone was strapped in. My thought was that sometimes it would take me a while to round up the toddler and get him in his seat, and I didn't want DS2 to get too hot while he was waiting.
(Now we have a garage, so I don't really have as much room to swing the doors open like that.)
I immediately open both doors when I put them in and taken them out--like Deebs I have the sliding automatic minivan doors. I've come close to locking myself out a couple times when I don't do that and I have thought through the terrifying possibilities in 104 degree Texas weather. I actually really miss the keypad on my old 2000 Taurus. I never had to worry about locking myself out. It will be something I try to get on our next car when we have more purchasing wiggle room.Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.
I thought I was the only one--or at least close to it.. I never get a side eye when I do it, but I do notice that other moms don't do this walk-around-the-car-open-door business.
So stinking hot here, people. Ugh. And no AC in our region for the most part!married to an anesthesia attending
I feel like 90 in Portland was WAY hotter than 110 here in Sacramento, mainly because so few people (and businesses) had AC in the PNW. Our house had AC, but it was built in 1925 and it still got so stinkin' hot. When it's hot here we just stay inside where it's cool or head to the pool.
I love my minivan. I have the doors slide open too before I get out. The Odyssey also has a feature where you can have the windows roll down using your key remote, so you can get hot air out a parked car as you walk to it.
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I load everyone from the driver's side to keep kids from running around while I'm strapping the others in. K2 and Lambie need help buckling. So, one door open, everyone running around inside the car (it's like a monkey house in there) as I buckle the baby, then I buckle K2, and K1 buckles himself. Same thing in reverse on the way out. I don't turn the engine on until everyone is buckled because I don't want one of those monkeys to put the car into drive/reverse. They tend to move quickly if they want me to turn on the a/c. K1 helps K2 unbuckle, I unbuckle the baby, and everyone comes out on the driver's side. I hold my keys in my hand the whole time. K1 knows how to unlock the car from the inside if there's ever an emergency.Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.