It's not working. 5 nights and she still gets absolutely hysterical. She stands up and screams and screams. It's terrible. We haven't achieved any amount of adjustment, and when she gets hysterical and I pat her or pick her up, she just struggles and fights me and I can't comfort her at all. Every bedtime is taking an hour. She seems stimulated by my being there. She wakes 3+ times a night again. So in trying this"gentle" method I'm now doing CIO multiple times a night, which I never wanted to do at all. Now I'm exhausted and I'm crying it out too.
Grandma is taking care of her for 2 nights while I'm out of town next weekand dh is on night float, and I think we're all screwed.
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Grandma is taking care of her for 2 nights while I'm out of town next weekand dh is on night float, and I think we're all screwed.
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