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Toddler beds

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  • Toddler beds

    E's still in her crib. She's perfectly capable of climbing out (as evidenced by the fact that she's climbed in a couple of times), but she's never actually tried. I've kept her in it because she sleeps so well, and I hate to do anything to disrupt that at this point. She sleeps on a cot at school just fine, and has been doing that for about a year. It's to the point where I'm having a hard time getting her in and out of the crib though, with my giant belly, and I can't reach things if she wants me to get them out. There's also the challenge of our stay in Houston - we were going to get an IKEA crib for her, because although she can still sleep in the pack n play, it's not big or sturdy enough for long term use. I think she'd climb out of the IKEA crib more easily though, so I'm not sure that's really the best option either. So if she was used to sleeping in a toddler bed, or even just a mattress on the floor, that might be easier. Is there any way to ease this transition? Has anybody had a good experience? I'm pretty sure her room is child-proofed already, we'd just put a gate at the door so we could leave it cracked open at night and keep her in there. I got her a pillow to make it more fun, and I have a comforter I could put on the bed too (she loves getting under the covers in our bed). Any advice, suggestions, or words of support?
    Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer

  • #2
    I was dreading the transition to a bed, but DS1 handled it really well and without much issue. (He was 2y 10m.) We just did it when we moved - instead of setting up the crib in his new bedroom, we just set up the bed and he seemed to accept that this was the new norm. The big rail I bought for the side made his daybed sort of like a hybrid bed/crib ... I don't know if that made any difference.
    I hope the transition goes as smoothly for you!


    • #3
      We did it. She loves her "big bed" so far. Hopefully she still loves it and will actually sleep in it tonight.

      Sent from Tapatalk
      Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer


      • #4
        Aww! We haven't made the switch yet but will soon I think. Hope she sleeps well.

        Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk
        Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
        Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


        • #5
          She got out of bed twice in the first 5 minutes, but she's been down for 5 minutes now and is staying put. Fingers crossed. I've got a gate outside the door, so even when she opens the door (I open it before I go to bed anyway), she can't get out of her room.
          Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer


          • #6
            Just got up again because she woke up and couldn't find her paci, but going well otherwise! She went right back to sleep after I went in, helped her find it, rocked her for a second, and put her back in bed.

            Sent from Tapatalk
            Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer


            • #7
              She stayed in bed until 6am! I prefer her to sleep until at least 6:30, but she wakes up that early sometimes even in the crib, so I'm calling it a success. I hope she continues to do well!
              Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer


              • #8
                In bed from 7-7:30 without getting up once! She still lays in bed awake for up to an hour at night, but we only had 2 nights of having to put her back into bed a few times. She loves climbing in herself, and I'm loving not having to pick her up and put her in bed!

                Sent from Tapatalk
                Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer


                • #9
                  That's great! Glad it was a pretty smooth adjustment!
                  My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


                  • #10
                    Tonight is E's first night sleeping on her own in the new apartment. The last 2 nights we had her sleep with us while we transitioned, and today we picked up a cheap IKEA mattress and put it in our closet. I brought her pillow, her bedding, and her babies to make it as close to home as possible. So far she seems to be doing well. She's been in there for about 30 minutes and it seems quiet, and she's still in there. Hopefully she's not swinging from the shelf... I didn't bring a monitor, and now I'm sort of regretting that, although there's nowhere to actually plug it in anyway.
                    Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer

