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How's the new year going?

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  • How's the new year going?

    Who here had a big summer back slide?

    Cade knew about ten math facts when school began this year. This is a stark comparison to where he left off last year (timing out of 100 addition and subtraction facts in 5 minutes). Remind me to do a little something next summer besides hang out at the beach.

    I purchased "Hooked on Math" and we've done 15 minute lessons 5 nights a week. After digging in for the past month, we are "back" to where we left off at the end of first grade. Next summer when I'm all laissez-faire about everything, will somebody please put a foot up my behind and tell me to do SOMETHING?

    I love his school, class size, and his teacher is *pretty* good. I think that it is difficult for me because his last two teachers were absolutely phenomenal.

    Kendall started a new "preschool" this year. I wasn't ready for her to go to Cade's montessori b/c they only offer a five day a week program and the cost is prohibitive on our budget right now. This church program (2 hours a day/3 days a week) has a philosophy that is 180 degrees from montessori. When I told her teacher where Cade attends, her teacher launched into a huge diatribe about why they didn't teach A,B,Cs and academics at three because they needed to learn how to play and get along.

    Her preschool has tons of toys and creative play while a montessori classroom has concrete, realistic materials scaled to a child's size. Montessori also believes that children innately desire to learn and that there are no limits on their abilities at this age. I sensed quite a bit of disdain for the montessori method from Kendall's preschool teacher. It is funny how vehement people get over this particular pedagogy, both for and against it.

    I make no excuses, I think that montessori is fantastic when done correctly. After searching for montessori schools, I can tell you that there are a ton of mediocre schools which give montessori a bad name. Still, in its truest form, it is both a potent and gentle method of education.

    Bottom line, Kendall likes going to play and is in a loving environment. That is what is most important to me. Meanwhile, Mommy gets a break! Nonetheless, I can tell you that she will be at Cade's school next year for preschool.

    How is the new academic year going in your house? Did your kids backslide?

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    Re: How's the new year going?

    So far, so good. The transition to 2nd grade has been so much easier than the last two years just in terms of the fatigue factor and ensuing emotional drain. It doesn't seem to be so tiring. Phew! Reading is great because Bryn had her nose in a book plenty this summer. I think the math took a hit, Kelly. We've been catching up pretty well with either the homework or printing worksheets from an internet site. She asks for that so of course I will find them for her.

    One problem... She gets a little obsessed about figuring stuff out (and comes by that honestly). The one rough day we have had was due to her staying up until 9:30 working on a math worksheet. Usually I let her read to herself and she quits at a reasonable time. I heard her crying because she was getting so frustrated. And by that late an hour, appealing to common sense to just put it away wasn't working. The new rule in our house is no homework after 6:30. I'm trying to think of ways to help her be a little easier on herself.

    I've met her teacher a few times and like her. She sends home good information and emphasizes a caring classroom. It's early in the year but I think she means what she says. I'll start volunteering in the classroom in a few weeks and get the real scoop.

    Anna loooooooves preschool. Everyday she asks if she is going and doesn't like to wait the hour between Bryn's school and her school starting. Her teacher is very nuturing and provides a gently structured half day for them. They have a music lesson once a week and that is her favorite part.


    • #3
      Re: How's the new year going?

      Crunchy school is frickin' hilarious.

      It's kind of Montessori, kind of a bunch of other theories all rolled into one school for 3-7 year olds. (if they get enough, they want to gradually expand through 8th grade- it used to go to 8th grade but ran into financial troubles and that's when the parents took over and made it a co-op.

      Between two snacks plus lunch, French class, twice a week yoga, Spanish class, classroom visitors and field trips, I'm ready to enroll myself there. Oh, and a mandatory naptime until age 5. Sign me up.

      Twice I've picked him up and he's refused to go home. Although I don't blame him. I'd stay there, too.


      PS- from 3pm-5pm is playground time so when I do go get him, he's filthy and exhausted. The best combination for a 3yo boy.


      • #4
        Re: How's the new year going?

        So far, so good. Nathan is *loving* kindergarten. His teacher is a little (actually a lot) OCD, which actually plays to his ummm, strength (?) :huh: so what she says goes as far as he is concerned. She is working giving him some enrichment activities for reading while allowing him more time to focus on his handwriting, which is about average for his age. He is loving it. He has played the piano twice for his class, too....he is enjoying his piano lessons a LOT.

        Joel has had an extremely smooth start to 4th grade. The teacher has been very good about newsletters, etc., and I am able to check his grades online. His teacher last year was very lax about communication with parents and I never knew when tests were. He seems much more confident and calm about school, and he has enjoyed starting the Accelerated Reader program. He is also playing on the soccer team this year, the same one that his big brother is on. I was worried about this a little, because he has struggled in school, but the truth is he was always AT the games, anyway, even if he wasn't playing, so no homework was getting done. I also thought that it might be a little rough for him....some of the 7th and 8th graders are pretty big! But I guess playing with Luke has toughened him up, and the truth is since he is small, he is really pretty fast compared to the big guys. He is really enjoying being on the team.

        Luke seems to be doing just fine (as usual) in 7th grade, although I have already gotten three notices about late assignments due to him not writing them down and then not doing them. He is going to have to take ownership of this issue at some point....maybe this will be the year. His math teacher had him turn in his 7th grade math book and he is taking Algebra this year instead. If it goes well, the school says they will buy whatever Geometry book his high school uses and will teach him independently next year. I am having to do some investigating about this, wanting to make sure that he will receive the proper credits for the classes he takes, but I appreciate his teacher being willing to do this for him. We'll see if Luke can step up to the plate....this is the first time his math hasn't been as easy for him as breathing in and out. He is smart but fairly lazy academically, unless he is curious about something. So far I am remembering enough to help him when he is stuck.....we'll see how much comes back to me. That's it from here! It continues to take my breath away that he will be in high school in just 2 years. The 7th graders I am teaching now will eventually be his classmates, so you can bet I am scoping out acceptable friends (and girlfriends! ) for him already!
        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #5
          Re: How's the new year going?

          My Maggie is loving 3rd grade. She has always had issues with rushing through her work but having to redo almost all of her math homework one night may have fixed that problem. Two hours of math is much worse than one hour (she had done it all in 30 minutes and it took 1.5 hours to fix it all). She has had one bad spelling test but she did not study. She also decided she wanted to quit the violin. No biggie for DH and me, but MIL wasn't happy (she's the one who pushed her to take it and payed for the instrument and lessons).

          Ella is doing great in 2nd grade. She's kind of a goodie two shoes so just about every assignment she does is great. I'd kind of like her to mess up once or twice just so I know she's human. LOL
          Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


          • #6
            Re: How's the new year going?

            Andrew's new school has turned out to be the absolute best fit for him. Every week something new and *good* happens, which is in stark contrast to his experience at the middle school here. He has settled in and feels comfortable and a little more self-confident. They have really worked with him to individualize his curriculum and he is responding well to it. He even (knock on wood) is more organized this year. Pleeeeeease let this stick!

            We'll be switching Amanda into the catholic school system this week because of our unhappiness with the continued issues that we have experienced.

            Alex has gotten back into the swing of things. He forgot how to take the star reading test on the computer and did terribly the first time. The teacher had him take it again after he read out loud to her the next day and this time she showed him how to navigate it all again first. He ended up being where we thought he that's good. He is Mr. Social sunshine and is back to going to KidStop to play with friends from last year every Tues. and Thurs...In addition, he's hooked up with some friends that were in his first grade class and one of them came over on Friday to play. He's back in his groove.

            Aidan is slowly adjusting to preschool. As long as Thomas drives him, we have no issues with separation anxiety. He tells a lot of tall tales about school "I had to sit in the corner all day", "I wasn't allowed to eat snack and my teacher said I will never, ever get snack"...and all of these stories end with "I'm never going to that stupid school". As times has progressed and he has met more "friends" he gets into the van and tells me excitedly about something he did. As soon as I respond positively, he tries hard to wipe the smile off of his face and be glum about school. Really...I think he likes it.

            Zoe has been honing her sword fight skills :> (see video in the call room :> )

            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


            • #7
              Re: How's the new year going?

              Kate had a big transition this year. She started a new middle school where she only knew one kid (a boy, at that). She has made friends quickly and she is really doing well. She is in a magnet school for humanities and communications (they are called the "humaninerds" and the other magnet program there at the school is the "computidorks"). She already has had one fun field trip! And more on the way... She doesn't have a lot of homework, which makes me very suspicious... Overall, we are happy, but she spends a lot of time on the phone!!! hone:

              Steven and Isabel are in 1st grade. They are still in the same class, which is OK. They have a more "strict" policy about homework- but it's pretty easy so far. Steven reads really well (not Junie B yet, but hey) and Isabel doesn't. She gets so frustrated and starts crying and spazzing out when she can't get a word... The phonics method really doesn't work for her, so she is memorizing all the words and what not. She's probably an average reader, but she is super creative and able to draw really detailed pictures. Steven can't draw as well, so it's great that they each have their own thing. I really like their teacher- she's experienced, nice, and no-nonsense!!!

              Luke started preschool- he's doing OK right now. He goes into the class willingly, and so... I am hopeful that he makes it past 1 month!!!

              Back to school is stressful! Especially as a single mom.

              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


              • #8
                Re: How's the new year going?

                Jacob is doing well. He's been chipping away consistently at the sight word lists. We're getting one in for testing every day / two days at the max. I'm strict about when I'm willing to send it in b/c I worry that not "passing" will throw him for a loop, and he still doesn't trust his reading ability. He can read a whole lot more than he thinks he can.

                He's smiling every day when I pick him up, but if you ask him how school is he says "7 hours." He's not a fan of the full-day thing. Getting him there in the morning is sometimes a feat. We live about 2/10ths of a mile from the school (a street over), so we're walkers. Jacob figured out that I'll drive him when we're running late, so he intentionally started dawdling. So I called him on it one morning this week, and told him we'll walk, and if we're late we'll walk into the office & I'll explain why we're late. He picked up his pace.

                Quinn *finally* started school a week ago Friday. He goes 3 days / week, with extended day on Monday. Otherwise it's only 2.5 hours, which gives me just enough time to go exercise, run home & shower, and go back to pick him up. I'm pretty sure I'll get over feeling icky soon, and just decide I can run errands / pick him up while I'm still icky from exercise. Anyway - Quinn loves school. He says he's in "2nd grade" of preschool. His little girlfriend is in his class and the same extended day, so the love affair continues.


                • #9
                  Re: How's the new year going?

                  My oldest two started new schools in a new state. I think I was more worried than them. They did fine.

                  Garrison started 5th grade. The homework has been lighter than I expected, but the curriculum is definitely an improvement. He is playing soccer for his school two afternoons a week. The school is taking them camping next week and they'll get to canoe, ride horses, and fish. What a field trip!

                  Brennan started 4th grade. Her homework has been lighter than expected, too. Her favorite class so far is dance.

                  I have volunteered several times so far at Garrison's school, and I feel pretty well plugged in to what's going on there and I'm very impressed. My first volunteer assignment at Brennan's school is Thursday, so hopefully I will come home with the lowdown on her school, too. I'm really trying to hold off on forming opinions YET until I've been in there.

