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    I just don't know what to do with Jacob! One minute he is sweet, thoughtful, and kind -- while still being all "boy". The next he's snippy, bossy, antagonistic, demanding, defiant ... just plain FRUSTRATING! I don't give in to these behaviors - never have. He loses priviledges when he's defiant, rude, mean, etc. I praise his cooperation and kindness. I just. don't. know. what. to. do!

  • #2
    Re: ORNERY!

    Take him, mutiply by 3,and you get my house of happiness
    thank God for my sweet little #4


    • #3
      Re: ORNERY!

      Keep doing what you're doing. :huh: I know....I think, "haven't we done this? was it ok last time?"


      • #4
        Re: ORNERY!

        What to do?

        Come to San Antonio and drink margaritas while Jigar stays home w/ the boys?

        Just throwing that out there...



        • #5
          Re: ORNERY!

          One minute he is sweet, thoughtful, and kind -- while still being all "boy". The next he's snippy, bossy, antagonistic, demanding, defiant ... just plain FRUSTRATING!
          Yeah. Here too, except a different names. Except I can throw in the bipolar feelings I have: "OMG, He is sweet, mature and principled. I'm so lucky." This is quickly followed by, "OMG, he is so immature, impatient, lacks impulse control, and clearly couldn't give a rip about personal hygeine. What am I going to do?"

          Err, I'm hoping this is normal? :huh:

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            Re: ORNERY!

            Originally posted by house elf
            One minute he is sweet, thoughtful, and kind -- while still being all "boy". The next he's snippy, bossy, antagonistic, demanding, defiant ... just plain FRUSTRATING!
            Yeah. Here too, except a different names. Except I can throw in the bipolar feelings I have: "OMG, He is sweet, mature and principled. I'm so lucky." This is quickly followed by, "OMG, he is so immature, impatient, lacks impulse control, and clearly couldn't give a rip about personal hygeine. What am I going to do?"

            Err, I'm hoping this is normal? :huh:

            I have the same thoughts! Sometimes I sit back and glow with pride. "He's so thoughtful! He's so kind! He so smart!" Other times I want to curl up into a ball in the corner, like when my friend and I were tucking our 3 boys in to the aerobed, and he told me to "mind your own beeswax", which her 3.5 year old promptly repeated. The next day he had her kid saying the Museum of Science and Industry was going to be "Boooooooooriiiiiing!"

            Laura - hijack away! Misery (I mean "I") loves company!

