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Favorite Stage?

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  • Favorite Stage?

    What is your favorite stage in parenting? Recently I have been surprised to find out that people have very different ideas about what their favorite age is. A dear friend said she would relive the toddler stage before baby stage while I feel the exact opposite.

    I can honestly say that I have enjoyed most aspects of every age I've encountered so far. Still, I think 3 to 5 is magical. Mom still reigns high at the center of the universe and yet the child is a little more independent and less physical needy. I love their budding communication skills.

    If I *had* to name a least favorite, it would be 12 months to about 30 months when a parent's primary job is to keep them physically safe why the child tries everything in their power to attempt crazy, dangerous things.

    I'm :huh: about the baby stage. Infants are intoxicatingly cute but physically demanding as well. They are as portable as they are going to be for awhile but they don't give the same feedback and communication as older children.

    The school age is fun because you get to know your child as a real person. However, the child usually is less physically present because of school AND mom is not the only game in town as far as opinions go.

    What is your favorite stage?

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    Re: Favorite Stage?

    I've been pondering this *exact* question and was considering starting a thread about it. Weird.

    In my short and limited experience, the newborn/baby stage is HARD for me. I was completely and totally overwhelmed with DS when he was a baby. Maybe I just had the "new mommy" thing going on, but I have friends who make the newborn stage look positively easy. :huh: I'm really enjoying this toddler stage, but it is hard in a different way. He's not as communicative as I'd like, so we still encounter a lot of frustration in trying to figure out what he wants. But, watching him learn and discover new things every day is absolutely amazing.

    -Wife of urology attending.
    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


    • #3
      Re: Favorite Stage?

      So far they're getting progressively better. (remember though, I didn't have to deal with the infant stage, for which I'm very grateful)

      Toddlerhood was fun but terrifying.
      The three's have been really interesting- his language development (and attendant argumentative streak) have been fun to watch and as it turns out, he's a really funny person.
      I think the fours will be fun because (knocking wood here), we're looking at an actual FULL year of stability.

      As I have stated ad nauseum, babies scare me.



      • #4
        Re: Favorite Stage?

        I adore the newborn stage. Just adore it. Newborn to 18 months is just so much fun. They change so much every single day. I have a hard time with school age (thus far, anyway). The loss of control of other influences has been quite a challenge for me.

        One of the things that scares me about the idea of adopting is the likelihood that we'd miss the baby stage. I feel that that is where most of our bonding occurred. (Certianly not the case for everyone .. just my experience).


        • #5
          Re: Favorite Stage?

          I have been mulling this over and was going to post the same thing!

          I think it is different with each kid. With the first two, I enjoyed the 2-6 month stage so much -- it's like watching them wake up. With TenE, the 12-14 month stage has been fun (I'm assuming that will continue). What I used to find frustrating is now more amusing. She is so full of her self, almost bursting at the seams, yet essentially harmless.

          I also like 3-4 and all the observations that can be expressed with the explosion of language.


          • #6
            Re: Favorite Stage?

            I love the 6month-12month stage. They learn and develop so much. Not so much fun when they learn to walk though
            I find that I am enjoying the time around K-2nd grade when school is fun for them. What I am not loving is the female preteen area. Hormones and sassyness reign supreme. I'm sure it's not gonna get any better I fear


            • #7
              Re: Favorite Stage?

              In my 6 years as a mother of three different kids.... each stage has its lovable aspects and parts your could do without. I love, love, love the infant-toddler stage (minus sleepless nights). All the girls so far, have been easy-going and so much fun. It is fun to watch their little personalities develop. Turning two, meant turning independent. I have no qualms about that. I embrace it. I encourage it.

              Years 3 into 4 have been a mixed-bag of nightmare days and fun times watching them grow in their language, their ability to do things on their own and assert their opinions. The hardest part for us has been the emotional development. In trying to teach the girls coping skills and how to deal with their feelings/frustrations year 3-4 kicks my butt. Can you tell I have a 4 year old? I find it very emotionally draining.

              Pre-K to 6 has been lots of fun watching my daughter grow into her friendships and acculumate to school.

              I dread having three strong-willed teenage daughters.


              • #8
                Re: Favorite Stage?

                Infancy is my least favorite stage.....more about me than them, I am sure, since I don't do sleep deprivation well. My favorite is from about 9 months to 3 years. Just love those developmental stages! (Minus potty training of course!) I felt most confident during those years. Nothing (so far) has been worse than infancy for me....but I will have a *teenager* in a few months, so we'll see! The school years are tedious (pick up your stuff, do your homework, did you brush your teeth, etc.) and full of activities, BUT it is much easier to go places and have actual conversations with your kids at the ages mine are. I think there are trade-offs for all ages.

                Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                • #9
                  Re: Favorite Stage?

                  Have I mentioned before I'm NOT a baby person? (JK)

                  So far for me each phase has been better than the last. I LOVE little people who can talk and DO THINGs. I like to talk to my kids, plan an outing and really discuss why a polar bear is white and a boy lion looks different than a girl lion. I love to hear what they have to say. I love to hear their opinions (most of the time) and watch them play with friends -- not just play next to a kid their age. I love that my kids are totally safe at a playground and I don't have to have my eye on them every second. I love that we are out of naps and they eat real food.

                  Granted, my oldest is only I have a limited perspective here.

                  Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                  “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                  • #10
                    Re: Favorite Stage?

                    4 years old is the best. I would freeze my kids there forever. Helpful, inquisitive, you rock their world, obedient, funny. I love this age.
                    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                    • #11
                      Re: Favorite Stage?

                      Second year of college!!!!!!!!!!!!! The newness of the freedom wears off and they start to resemble adults.

                      Every stage is unique and wonderful in it's own way, but sometimes you think it is just one %^$^%$ stage after another. Much like the medical marriage, it is a roller coaster. Just when you think it can't get better it gets worse, and once you think it can't get any worse it gets better.

                      Wasn't that helpful???!!!!
                      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                      • #12
                        Re: Favorite Stage?

                        Great- only 16 more years!


