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where do they find these people?

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  • where do they find these people?

    Kate's morning busdriver is... interesting to say the least. I get to hear all about her from my admiring daughter...

    Busdriver has a son who's about Kate's age. Apparently she believes fervently in the philosophy of "can buy me love."

    She brags to a captive audience of 6th graders that her son has:

    a 54 inch plasma TV in his room
    every gaming system to play whenever he wants
    a cell phone (duh) with all the bells and whistles
    a laptop with access to internet whenever

    Also, when her son wants to go shopping, she takes him to the mall and he uses her credit card to charge "whatever he wants". And busdriver's favorite store? Hot Topic... (It's like a hard-rocker type of teeny bopper store- with screaming music and bloody-looking T-shirts... I think it's technically "punk" style...)

    And, since Kate complains about her current grounding to everyone, and she's gotten sympathy from various teachers , her busdriver told her that she can't believe how strict we are, and that Kate didn't do anything wrong... We are unreasonable parents, says mother of the year. Anyway, Kate knows that she earned her grounding fair and square-- she broke our contract, and didn't even protest when we grounded her b/c it was laid out in stone ahead of time. Why she complains to people who don't have a right to comment is another problem entirely.

    And then, on top of it all, the busdriver tells the kids that she has a rich aunt who "founded Apple computers" and is always sending her son outlandish cash gifts. And that the busdriver hates said aunt (probably b/c of the competition) but lets her talk to the son b/c "she's rich and sends him money." But then again, Busdriver says that she herself is rich, and that they pay her a lot of money to drive the bus.

    And, she also asks the kids to tell her dirt/trash talk the afternoon bus driver because apparently "they hate each other" and the afternoon bus driver "stinks." Busdriver said she and the other busdrivers give the afternoon one the same present for Christmas every year-- a package of hygiene items, "but it doesn't do any good because she still stinks."

    Such a good influence.

    At least it gives me some amunition for the "stay in school" argument, and I've been able to discuss how hurtful it must be to the afternoon busdriver to get hygiene "presents" for Christmas.

    I just do not know where they find these people.

    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

  • #2
    Re: where do they find these people?

    Stunning that they are trusted with our children.

    Can your daughter see through the crap to the lonely and desparate woman underneath?


    • #3
      Re: where do they find these people?

      What a role model!!!
      Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.


      • #4
        Re: where do they find these people?

        Every day I contemplate homeschooling more and more.

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          Re: where do they find these people?

          I know how much they make-- we have a friend who did busdriving for a while in between work, and then he got a job as a medical tech-- where he makes a lot more money! So, apparently even in Montgomery county, they aren't rolling in it...

          Well, yes, most of it rolls off her back. She is of course impressed at how differently other kids live, but given the choice, she wouldn't trade spaces with the busdriver's kid!

          I'm just biding my time until 7th grade, when she's allowed to move to the middle of the bus... And then 8th, when she gets to sit in the back of the bus.

          Ahhhhhh, middle school... what a wonderful experience.

          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


          • #6
            Re: where do they find these people?

            The hell? That bus driver is a freak show. I can't believe NO ONE has called the transportation supervisor to have them discuss what are and what are not appropriate conversation topics with MIDDLE SCHOOL KIDS.

            What an insecure spaz.


            • #7
              Re: where do they find these people?

              I almost called, but I have dealt with the transportation office before, and they are kind of out of it in general. All of these nuggets of wisdom and parenting philosophy she's shared has been over the course of a year. It's inappropriate, and sad, but I just like to try to teach Kate "in house" about different parenting styles, etc., etc... Plus I'm a total wimp, and she's not exactly offering the kids drugs or anything actionable. :huh: :huh:

              What really irritates me is that her teachers have opined that Kate's grounding doesn't fit the offense-- they tell her she's being punished too harshly. From actual teachers? This is all being told to me thru Kate, so I can't exactly go to her English teacher (who is like 22 I think) and tell her that Kate's grounding term is fair and square, because she's going to tell me that Kate didn't explain it all, or that she never said anything, etc., etc. Sometimes I just want to "bug" Kate so that I can hear the actual conversation and make a judgment based on that...

              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


              • #8
                Re: where do they find these people?


                There's a very good chance that 1) the grounding wasn't exactly described as it went down and 2) the teacher's really didn't think that- or that if they knew the real deal, they'd think that.

                We had a bus driver (same MoCo schools, FYI) who wore a hat with a pot leaf front and center. Same guy nearly crashed the bus- we drove off the road into the woods, kept on going and made it back to the road. As I recall, he didn't last long after that.



                • #9
                  Re: where do they find these people?

                  I know Kate's grounding isn't described as it actually went down. She is 12! Hyperbole galore! And her teacher's response, I'm sure, was more along the lines of... hmmmmmm, now get back to work than "that's outrageous! You are perfect and should never ever be grounded!" So I'm annoyed mostly at KATE for complaining about this stuff in inappropriate situations-- but she's just a kid. She needs a filter or something, but whatever......

                  That's a scary story about your pothead busdriver! Seriously! Wacked out. You'd think that the transportation office would notice something-- the dispatcher we talk to whenever we have a problem (Kate forgets her bag on the bus sometimes) is nice, but not exactly... professional? I just don't think that is the tightest running operation. The busses are late (seriously late- like 45 minutes late) a lot, and subs miss the bus stop entirely (and there are only 5 on the route). :huh: :huh:

                  Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                  • #10
                    Re: where do they find these people?

                    and the scariest part about it? I'm 41. I graduated from Seneca Valley High School in 1984. Nothing has changed!!!!



                    • #11
                      Re: where do they find these people?

                      Originally posted by peggyfromwastate
                      I know Kate's grounding isn't described as it actually went down. She is 12! Hyperbole galore! And her teacher's response, I'm sure, was more along the lines of... hmmmmmm, now get back to work than "that's outrageous! You are perfect and should never ever be grounded!" So I'm annoyed mostly at KATE for complaining about this stuff in inappropriate situations-- but she's just a kid. She needs a filter or something, but whatever......

                      That's a scary story about your pothead busdriver! Seriously! Wacked out. You'd think that the transportation office would notice something-- the dispatcher we talk to whenever we have a problem (Kate forgets her bag on the bus sometimes) is nice, but not exactly... professional? I just don't think that is the tightest running operation. The busses are late (seriously late- like 45 minutes late) a lot, and subs miss the bus stop entirely (and there are only 5 on the route). :huh: :huh:

                      Our old transportation company used to be VERY similar until the school district got tired of all the parents complaints and finally created their own transportation department.

                      My kids have told me really odd stuff before. (Heh, what kid hasn't done this to their parents?) Some of it could have REALLY pissed me off if I took it at face value. I've emailed or talked with teachers on more than one occasion, telling them that the story I'd received sounded really off so I thought I should probably check and see what's going on. I've never had anyone get their nose out of joint over it. More than anything, they usually apologize for the misunderstanding. And, on the outside chance that these teachers actually did say these things, it's a good lesson for them to learn sooner rather than later that they really should NOT comment on the parenting of any students.

                      I seriously doubt they said anything, though. None of the teachers I know would dream of commenting on a parent's behavior to a student. I'm sure there are some morons out there who would, but I don't think they're the norm.

