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Fun and quick fundraiser

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  • Fun and quick fundraiser

    For my volunteering and fundraising comrades...

    Our school's Destination Imagination team is going to the national finals. There are, of course, some expenses with getting across the country and a relatively short window of time to raise money. I don't know how they came up with this idea but I think it is really cute. For $10 you can "flamingo" someone -- that is, have a pink flamingo stuck on their lawn either anonymously or with a message attached. We got flamingoed this morning and DD is on cloud nine.

    Those yard flamingos have got to cost a lot less than $10 and all you need is someone to manage the requests and stick 'em in the yards. Fun!

  • #2
    Re: Fun and quick fundraiser

    Very fun - although I don't know that I'll ever share it for fear of getting wrangled into coordinating it. Plus, I'm sure those flamingos are against HOA rules - and some people would probably get their panties in a wad.

    But I'm not bitter.


    • #3
      Re: Fun and quick fundraiser

      I saw this in Reader's Digest a few years ago. There. I've outed myself. I read Reader's Digest.

      Whew. Glad that's out in the open.

      It is a cute idea. In the story I read, they would plant a whole flock of flamingos on your lawn and you had to call the Flamingo Removal Company to have them taken away -- for $10.00. Everyone in the town got a warning about the influx of flamingos and what you should do if they landed on your lawn. If you didn't want to participate, you could call and decline or purchase Flamingo Insurance for $5.00. I've always wanted to do this but thought I'd be the only one that actually liked getting Flamingo-ed. I'm glad you liked it too.
      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


      • #4
        Re: Fun and quick fundraiser

        I've heard of if done the way Angie described - I love it!

        Jenn, the JoCo HOA's would totally ban it - party poopers!
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          Re: Fun and quick fundraiser

          Neat, Nellie! Did you get a message with it? Any idea who it is?

          This reminds me of a May 1 tradition in dh's region of Germany, where the high school boys cut down a birch tree and decorate it. In the middle of the night from April 30 to May 1, they take it to the home of the girl they like and set it up. They put the girl's name on the tree, and in the morning, the girl finds a huge tree in front of their home.

          The girl usually knows who it is and she sets a case of beer out the next night for the boys who helped set the tree up.

          I got a tree (not from dh), and I remind dh every year of the boy who drove all the way out to put the tree up for me.
          married to an anesthesia attending


          • #6
            Re: Fun and quick fundraiser

            DI is so much fun. Kate's team *almost* made it to nationals 2 years in a row. Nationals is still in Nashville- isn't it? That's not bad for us, but for you guys! Ouch! Have a great time anyway, and good luck for everyone at nationals!

            I like the Flamingo idea too.

            Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


            • #7
              Re: Fun and quick fundraiser

              I think the finals are in Nashville. I know they are held in Tennessee so I assume it is the same location (University of Tennessee campus?).

              We got flamingoed by our realtor. It is a great deal for them too -- what a nice way to do a "reminder" sort of thing. Better than the random notecards or mail, IMO.

              Reader's Digest, Angie? hmmm.. My grandparents used to give us a subscription to that and I liked the notable quotables and funny stories.

              Now that we are hooked in, I'm sure we will pay $10 to have our flamingo land in someone else's yard.


              • #8
                Re: Fun and quick fundraiser

                This has happened to us just recently...came with a note that said- You Just Got FLOCKED
                There were about ten of them. It was for a kid that we know to go to Ireland.

