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fun afternoon

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  • fun afternoon

    My neighbor stopped by to check out our new sofa and kitchen paint that she hasn't seen, with her 6 year old, 2.5 year old, and 9 month old in tow. The 6 & 2.5 year old went downstairs to play with Quinn while the mom and I talked. About 20 minutes later Quinn started wailing and crying, saying Nathan hit him (the 2.5 year old). The neighbor called her kids up and said they had to go anyway. I went outside and cut her some lilacs and said good-bye only to come in to find Quinn w/a 1/2" cut under his eye and blood on his face.

    I hadn't gone downstairs to check on him b/c (and Davita can attest to this), Quinn is THE boy who cried wolf. He overreacts to EVERYTHING, and I didn't think there was a way that the 2.5 year old could have really inflicted any damage. It turns out Nathan basically cold-cocked him with a Nerf gun, and managed to cut his face.

    So, I picked Jacob up early from school, and off we went to the local pediatric urgent care. 2 hours and 2 stitches later we were on our way to buy the Webkinz promised if he'd stop screaming and kicking.

    The neighbor is mortified. Her husband says our kids are like "oil and water" and someone always gets hurt when they play together (thankfully he admitted that it's MY kids who usually get hurt). His solution is that they shouldn't play together. Their oldest has some behavioral issues, and he's why my kids usually get hurt.


  • #2
    Re: fun afternoon

    OMG! Poor little dude, that sucks!

    BTW Don't feel too bad...FWIW my 5 yr old is a cry wolf kind of kid,so I wouldn't have checked right away either!


    • #3
      Re: fun afternoon

      Oh no, poor Quinn. I hope he heals up quickly!!

      -Wife of urology attending.
      -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


      • #4
        Re: fun afternoon

        Ouch! That is a rough neighborhood you are in.


        • #5
          Re: fun afternoon

          Guess we already know which neighborhood kid is going to be the cause of the fights at the bus-stop, huh?

          Glad Quinn is fine. (I bet your husband was out of town, too, right?)



          • #6
            Re: fun afternoon

            poor quinn. feel better handsome boy!!
            ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


            • #7
              Re: fun afternoon

              Originally posted by DCJenn
              Guess we already know which neighborhood kid is going to be the cause of the fights at the bus-stop, huh?
              Fortunately their kids go to Catholic school, and mine walk.

              Originally posted by DCJenn
              Glad Quinn is fine. (I bet your husband was out of town, too, right?)

              How did you know??


              • #8
                Re: fun afternoon

                Originally posted by pinkpickles
                OMG! Poor little dude, that sucks!

                BTW Don't feel too bad...FWIW my 5 yr old is a cry wolf kind of kid,so I wouldn't have checked right away either!
                Izzy broke her clavical when she was 3.5, and I didn't even check on her for like 5 minutes... And I didn't consider it was something somewhat serious until she hadn't stopped crying for about 20 minutes... I know about kids who cry wolf... (Of course I still feel so guilty.)

                Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                • #9
                  Re: fun afternoon

                  I hope all is well. I won't even share how much of this kind of guilt I have accumulated over the years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                  "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                  • #10
                    Re: fun afternoon

                    They do sound like playdates to skip, but you're a great mom so don't be too hard on yourself.


                    • #11
                      Re: fun afternoon

                      Poor little man!

                      But, I know all about the over reacting thing. Last night 3 families spontaneously got together to chat while the kids played in one of the back yards. Caleb stubbed his toe and started crying... and crying and crying. He's 5-1/2. I ended up grabbing his shoes and him and making a hasty and embarassed exit.


                      • #12
                        Re: fun afternoon


                        How is Quinn now?

                        Ugh to the playdate situation. I had a friend whose son was extremely rough. He was big for his age (at the time 11). The last time she was over here, he was literally pounding on Alex (who was only 7). We could hear Alex screaming and Aidan crying downstairs. She just sat there listening like it was no big deal. I went downstairs and had to tell her child to get off of Alex and leave him alone..and I eventually took my kids upstairs...including Andrew, who refused to play with him.

                        The mom pretty much sat there chatting with me while all of my kids sat on my lap/on the sofa with me, and her son was alone downstairs in our house watching tv alone.

                        It was strange.

                        I never invited her back.

                        I hope Quinn has recovered and is back to his bouncy self.

                        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

