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friggen fraken forms

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  • friggen fraken forms

    holy crap. i just want to enroll my 4y.o in preschool, not get her a job with the secret service. i have so many forms, and so much crap to collect from the dentist and doctor...updated shots, possibly another physical...blah, blah.
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

  • #2
    Re: friggen fraken forms

    i have never seen the christmas story. good movie? i think battling the radiator in the basement sounds easier than tracking down imunization records.

    every time the kids get a new immunization, I have the office copy the shot record for me, that day, and take it home. When I have to get the med history form completed - my live-in doctor does it and I attach a copy of the immunization record.
    great idea! thanks.
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


    • #3
      Re: friggen fraken forms

      We have to have a permission on file for the school to "administer" sunscreen to my daughter. If I happen to buy a different kind next time (even if it's the same brand), a new form has to be placed on file, specific to that type.
      Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


      • #4
        Re: friggen fraken forms

        Originally posted by rainbabies
        i have never seen the christmas story. good movie? i think battling the radiator in the basement sounds easier than tracking down imunization records.
        Grrrrrrrrreat movie! Filmed in Cleveland, the school was actually dh's middle school, and you can see his friend's house in the backyard during the tounge-stuck-on-the-flagpole scene. You must see it.


        • #5
          Re: friggen fraken forms

          Yep - updated records every year. I really like that they sent home 2 different versions of the sunscreen form as well as a form for bug spray.

          Please tell me college applications will be easier?


          • #6
            Re: friggen fraken forms

            Originally posted by Pollyanna
            As sunscreen form, seriously? I've never seen one of these and with all due respect, that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard (says the mom from AZ).

            Ditto. This should be covered under the general "we can administer bandaids" etc permission slip.

            Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


            • #7
              Re: friggen fraken forms

              For field day and what not we (the parents) are responsible for sending the kids to school w/ sunblock already on... I don't think the nurse's station carries that stuff at all... Plus, it's pretty expensive-- too expensive for the nurses to be applying to everyone.

              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


              • #8
                Re: friggen fraken forms

                Originally posted by Pollyanna
                I realize that some people have reactions to sunscreen but I do not believe it is the schools responsibility to sunscreen your child. Don't the teachers have enough stuff to do? And the school nurse does not need to slather up the entire school unless a child may have a specific sun sensitivity.

                If you want your child to have sunscreen on at school then slather them up before they leave the house. And seriously, how much time do they spend outside at school? Maybe 45 minutes max. This may differ in a camp situation but I still think it needs to be the parents responsibility. :huh:

                Of course I also think we are raising a generation of children afraid of the sun.
                I have to say that with a kid in daycare who spends 3+ hours a day outside, I definately want them putting sunscreen on him. During the elementary school day I definately agree that it is not the schools responsibility, but when my kiddo is outside for several hours a day during July and August (which is great for him) he needs more than one coat of protection that I slap on 7 AM.


                • #9
                  Re: friggen fraken forms

                  we don't use sunscreen. even when we lived in the caribbean and miami. my babes are hat kids..they tan well, and have never been burned. they darken quite nice with their fathers dark complexion in their blood.
                  ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                  • #10
                    Re: friggen fraken forms

                    I don't use it after 4:30 or 5:00 either. :huh: Unless we have been in the sun all day, but it that case I would probably try to find something different to do. I am anal about it from 10-4, or probably 9-5 and screen them before schools or camps.

                    I was a kid who usually tanned well but had some burns. I've had some really bad burns on my lips and ears from a drug reaction. I try not to worry about it. Even with a darker complexion, I've had 4 biopsies. I want to be careful about it but not at the expense of being outside (especially when it has rained the last 9 months!). There is a balance in having fun outside and being reasonable about protecting your skin.


                    • #11
                      Re: friggen fraken forms

                      sooooo....after two years of dd#1 being on the waiting list for the private pre-school run by the hospital...the place ds has gone to this year....

                      we got rejected. that is why i had to run around and find pre-school for dd somewhere else. hence the figgen fraken forms. free. pre-school is free here.(had NO idea! free!) four days a week, 9-noon. a big fat PITA, but free.

                      well, she got in, i got all the stupid required forms submitted....dd has toured the place with me.......




                      tuesday the director of the private pre-school said they have an opening if we want it. serioulsy. she told me originally no way and if it opened she would let me know the first of july. what was tuesday.....the 22nd????

                      free preschool that we we're settling on.....saving $240/month or

                      sending dd to private place we love, dd loves, knows all the teachers names already, talkes about going to.....or FREE??

                      we totally took the spot. *sigh* the extra money would be grand....but knowing dd is in a great place is even better.

                      dh and i feel really good about the decision. plus, it's 2 full days a week. less driving for me...and a better fit hours wise with ds starting K.

                      what a stressor.....and it's only just begun.
                      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                      • #12
                        Re: friggen fraken forms

                        :therethere: I would have done the same thing, Sylvia. It is important that you and she are comfortable with it. I'm glad it worked out but what a PITA!


                        • #13
                          Re: friggen fraken forms

                          Ugh. School forms are the bane of my existence. When I went to register the kids for their new schools a couple weeks ago I had to sit there and fill out 6 forms per kid, I shit you not. Two of which were the same exact thing, they just wanted two so their classroom teachers and the office staff both have the same emergency contact info on the same nifty little form. Obviously they've never heard of a handy little thing called a copy machine.

                          But, get this...they didn't ask for ANYTHING that had to do with immunizations. When I asked the gal if she wanted to take a copy of them, (which I thought was my nice way of gently reminding her), she told me that they don't bother with it, anymore. :huh: The hell?

