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a sure fire way to piss of your kids Kinder teacher

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  • #16
    Re: a sure fire way to piss of your kids Kinder teacher

    Originally posted by PrincessFiona

    The more kids that I have in school, the ummm...less advice I have for you. I progressively know less about the best ways to handle these things as the years go by. It's so tough to separate out the emotional "I love my kid" from the redpennazi teacher thing.

    I don't know what I would do. It's doubtful that anything that you say will change how she does things...she's got her own system, I'm might make you feel slightly better temporarily.

    I think...talking with your son about it and providing encouragement at home is the best bet.



    My kids' KG teacher was definitely not approachable, a bit detached (no red marks, though) but she warmed up after the first 3 months... It was almost like she wanted to set the tone of "serious workplace" early on, before she introduced anything fun to the kids. It was so very task oriented and so unlike preschool. I did have a good relationship with her, because I volunteered and worked with the kids in the classroom. I don't know if it's possible at all for you to get in there, even just a couple of times for 30 minutes each, but if that's possible it may help. At least you could get a vibe for how she runs the class and if it's a good overall environment or if she's consistently ridiculous...

    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


    • #17
      Re: a sure fire way to piss of your kids Kinder teacher

      FINALLY!!! proof that my child has handwriting skills that his teacher approves of!!

      and i have photographic proof!! :rah:

      (i think that teacher needs some lessons on how to make her commas shorter. that looks a wee bit long to me. :>)
      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


      • #18
        Re: a sure fire way to piss of your kids Kinder teacher

        Yes, a set of stamps as a holiday present is a good idea.

        FWIW - his handwriting looks a lot better than Quinn's (also in kindergarten), and his teacher hasn't said boo about it.


        • #19
          Re: a sure fire way to piss of your kids Kinder teacher

          Originally posted by rainbabies

          (i think that teacher needs some lessons on how to make her commas shorter. that looks a wee bit long to me. :>)
          :> Perhaps you could get a bigger red pen, mark the page and send her a wee note just to let her know know...super-size commas are totally out! I wonder if they make a stamp that looks like this ---> :> that you could add too!!!

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #20
            Re: a sure fire way to piss of your kids Kinder teacher

            i may really have to look into those stamps...and wouldnt it be awesome if there was a :>

            ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


            • #21
              Re: a sure fire way to piss of your kids Kinder teacher

              For that matter, Joshua's handwriting is better than DH's. Tell that teacher where to put her red marker.

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #22
                Re: a sure fire way to piss of your kids Kinder teacher

                so annoyed. so annoyed. i am not one of your little kindergartners.

                i sat down with ds to do his homework yesterday. color, draw, circle..all dealing with the letter M

                i just got home from picking him up, i was going thru his folder...and there was his homework from yesterday.

                on every sheet sent home, there is a stamp where i have to sign it. i didn't do it yesterday. well...there it is, all highllighted in yellow. ALOT .

                friggenunbelievable! im so annoyed!

                (overreacting perhaps? but still super annoyed.)
                ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                • #23
                  Re: a sure fire way to piss of your kids Kinder teacher

                  Ugh. I have to sign stuff every damn day. It is completely ridiculous. I understand why they do this for some children, but c'mon. Sometimes I feel like I have more homework than my children. I told my husband that when we move, I am going to all the schools and asking about their homework policies, and whichever school system believes in the least amount of homework, that will be where my children are enrolled. Seriously.

                  Oh, and the biggest pisser. They don't need to have a parent conference with me because my child is doing so well, but if I forget to sign his friggen book one day, he is punished for it be having to sit out of recess. It's unbelievable. I really hate the schools here. I really do.
                  Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                  • #24
                    Re: a sure fire way to piss of your kids Kinder teacher

                    His handwriting is really good! That teacher is very picky! signing homework? That is nuts. Our school district uses homework journals starting in second grade. I can't stand the paper trail coming home from school.


                    • #25
                      Re: a sure fire way to piss of your kids Kinder teacher

                      i so want to be bitchy and snarky with a reply on the paper

                      dear teacher.
                      i am not one of your young students who needs to have my errors highlighted or marked with a red pen. i feel like your overly highlighted signature line was insulting. it is obvious that i help ds with his homework, as he is excited to do it and will request that i sit with him as soon as he gets home. i find it ridiculous that because his paper lacked a signature, you felt the need to blatantly point it out.

                      pissed off-had it with you- parent.

                      so, would this be good? or would it just
                      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                      • #26
                        Re: a sure fire way to piss of your kids Kinder teacher

                        Do it, please. For me.
                        Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                        • #27
                          Re: a sure fire way to piss of your kids Kinder teacher

                          i seriously would...if i didn't have to worry about ds getting backlash from it.
                          ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                          • #28
                            Re: a sure fire way to piss of your kids Kinder teacher

                            I don't understand why people go into teaching if they're going to take things out on the children. I'm so sorry!
                            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                            • #29
                              Re: a sure fire way to piss of your kids Kinder teacher

                              OMG that teacher sounds just like the lead teacher I worked with a couple of years ago. She and the other team teacher (2nd grade) were so obsessed with grading papers and having homework signed (and were not very good at the the practice of teaching itself). I was totally against keeping a kid in for recess just because the homework wasn't signed. I'm not a big believer in homework anyway, and I only assigned it to appease some parents. Beside, the kids who did well in school always did their homework perfectly and the ones who struggled usually had the parents who didn't help at all, and signing never made them more accountable. BTW, not to stereotype but I noticed that after my teaching experiences, its usually the teachers who have no life that get super anal about these things.


                              • #30
                                Re: a sure fire way to piss of your kids Kinder teacher

                                The signing stuff crap drives me bananas and it doesn't accomplish (at ALL) what the teachers hope. Every day, I am supposed to sign Alex's planner, his reading minutes and his journal...Amanda's planner and reading minutes and all tests, and Andrew's tests. Whatever...

                                Sure, I'm interested in my children's lives....but this is overkill. Over. Kill. Last year, Amanda's school was like a nazi organization with the whole sign the planner thing. When I didn't sign, they also highlighted in yellow, called me, made Amanda sit out for name it. It almost made me more stubborn.

                                I finally told the vice principal "Look. I will sign it from time-to-time. I go over my children's homework with them every night, but there are times when I get side-tracked by helping with math, making dinner and doing baths and I forget to actually SIGN the planner, reading minutes, etc etc. This will not change. Amanda is in the 6th grade and I trust her to start taking responsibility for her own assignments." It was still mentioned at every conference and honestly...I reached a point that I didn't give a rip.

                                The thing is...there is nothing interesting in the planners. The kids basically write down what they did in class each day and if there was a homework assignment.

                                I'm so over it.

                                Seriously....just ignore the teacher. It isn't worth it. I hate to say this (not wanting to scare you) but this is small potatoes when it comes to school stuff. Consider it an initiation into elementary school and then put on your seatbelt. I suppose if you want to be really snarky about it, start requesting that she fill out a separate daily progress report for your child and send it home each day with him. What? She doesn't have time for busywork? Neither do you.

                                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

