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Last day of school!

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  • Last day of school!

    FINALLY! Anna finished her last day of preschool today. The school tacked on two extra days for the week of snow closure. They had a low-key celebration yesterday and her class sang Yellow Submarine. Were it not for her looking forward to that, I would have skipped out a few days early.

    Next year, I will have two kids on the same school schedule. Yay!

  • #2

    Shouldn't she still be in diapers?
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      Whoo-hoo!!! We've been out for almost a month and it's been wonderful. Deep down inside I was dreading it, but I didn't realize how much of our stress and tension stemmed from the school drill. Our house has been so...peaceful (mostly). Isabel's been helping me cook every morning (it's the only time everyone else is asleep and she and I are alone) and Lucy has been sleeping in like a...teenager. Today was *finally* sunny and we spent the day at the park, picnicing and then swimming all afternoon with friends. Remind me, why do we go to school again?


      • #4
        I wondered about the school year schedule in Portland. We're going to put Adele in preschool while we're there, you'll have to give me your recs. When do they start?

        I'm glad they're out - enjoy your summer!
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          This preschool has a longer year, I think in part because of allowance for days off for Jewish holidays. The Portland Public schools were out June 10 and will start Sept 8. Most schools follow that schedule, more or less. Some preschools are done at the end of May.

          Remind me, Cheri. I will give you recommendations so that you can put in a request for a spot in January or February before you move.

          I think the different schedules was a huge stress for us. It is so light here that Anna wasn't falling asleep (not to mention summer! pool! etc!) and she was sleeping until 8am. Her school starts at 8:30 so we were late every day. I would pick her up at 12:30 and then get Bryn at 2:15 -- no nap time for Evie. Thank goodness for the means for a babysitter a few days a week to guarantee the 2.5-3 hour nap.

          It is nice to be cut loose from the schedule but I'm not sure that I am cut out for opting out of that. Next year they will be on the same calendar and the same schedule. I think it will be niiiiice.

          ETA: yes, Luanne, she should still be in diapers! We had Bryn's friend from Denver visit all last week and looked at old photos of our families together before she arrived. Anna was one year old in most of those. *sigh* Sunrise...sunset...I'm going to go fiddle on the roof.


          • #6
            Originally posted by cupcake View Post
            Next year they will be on the same calendar and the same schedule. I think it will be niiiiice.
            You will love having both kiddos on the same schedule. It is amazing how much time you will pick up in your day.

            Enjoy the lazy days of summer!!
            Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


            • #7
              Remind me, why do we go to school again?

              How about 3 months of school and 9 months off? I love lazy mornings!

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #8
                I live with a future camp counselor- as much as I'd like a lazy morning, we have the schedule all planned out the day before.

                "OK, mommy. So, we are going to get up and have breakfast. I want Eggos. Then you'll take me to school and then I'll have cooking class. Then I'll have lunch and then Fun Camp. You come get me AFTER snack, OK? Then we'll swim in the pool, have dinner and then sleep."

                I have to negotiate additional parts of the day- like "well, we need to go to the grocery store at some point."

                "Hmmm, can we go on Saturday when we do errands?"

                "No, we need milk today."

                "Ok, well we'll have to go after snack and before we go home, is that OK?"

                So everyone else who doesn't live with a planner- enjoy your summer! Can you imagine what vacations with him will be like?



                • #9
                  Have you introduced Nikolai to crack...err...I mean TV and video games yet? This should curb his enthusiasm and allow you to drink coffee and surf the internet in peace for at least 30 minutes.

                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #10
                    I'd be all for a year round school schedule with mid-July through mid-Sept off with a full week for fall break and two for spring. Or we would be in school until the end of June (weather isn't that great here) and then start school on Oct 1. I think Sept is the best month in the northwest.


                    • #11

                      Computer games and/or dvds are usually scheduled somewhere between pool and dinner but they're expendable in case pool time needs to go longer.

                      I swear he wears me out. and in case anyone wonders why I'm not a SAHM, it's because my bosses aren't nearly that demanding.


