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Kindergarten During 4th Year?

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  • #16
    So how many away rotations did/do people do in fourth year? DH did one sub-internship for a month and that was it. The idea of following him to California to stay for four weeks while he worked his butt off to impress the program didn't even begin to hint at crossing my mind, even though that was the longest we've ever been apart since 1997.


    • #17
      Rick did his entire 4th year except for one rotation away from USUHS. I visited a few times but my arse stayed planted in DC. He rotated in Hawaii, Seattle, San Diego, San Antonio, Portsmouth and DC Childrens.

      Here's my take- he (the kindergartener) is going to be an Army brat for a very long time, with lots of family moves after medical school, so keep him planted for as long as possible in one spot. Just because he's (dad) Army doesn't mean he needs to just rotate through Army MedCens either. He can go civilian or military and I strongly recommend that he rotate through where he wants to go for residency at least once or twice. (He's Army- so that means a 99% chance of an Army MedCen residency program.)

      Visit the fun locations but trust me, there are lots of places he may end up that are NOT fun, and NOT family friendly.


