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How much money do you spend on back-to-school clothes?

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  • #16
    I should be able to help you out. Let me dig thru some stuff next week, and I'll let you know. I can probably hook you up w/some snowpants, too. Give me his boot size as well.


    • #17
      You guys wouldn't believe how much I spend on clothing for my 2, its too embarassing its so high.


      • #18
        Sylvia, we have a wonderful consignment shop here. Post all of the little munchkins sizes!!!!
        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


        • #19
          DD (Kindergarten this year) gets all of my nieces hand-me-downs. I spent about $75 at Gymboree at the $10, 15 20 sale with a 20% off coupon and got her 3 new outfits that she probably didn't need. The boys are like Kelly's son. They wear t-shirts and gym shorts every day and then long-sleeve tshirts and jeans when it gets cold enough (November usually) I will buy them some pants later this fall. Grandparents bought them all new tennis shoes last week while they were visiting. One perk of DH's job is that we get an allowance from Adidas every year to buy clothes. DH gets so many pairs of shoes, shirts and stuff for free, that we order a few things for him and then stock the boys up on shorts, sweat pants, socks, etc. withe the rest of the $. We get to do this twice a year.

          School supplies - $150 with some more yet to go.


          • #20
            Syl - I've got a coat and snow pants that should work. What size boot does he need? Send me your address again.

