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Summer camps and sibling rivalry

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  • Summer camps and sibling rivalry

    I am trying to find a good diabetic summer camp for Steven. These are basically like regular summer sleepaway camps, but with lots of medical personnel on hand and frequent blood sugar checks. They also work on educating the kids about diabetes, and help them with learning to inject themselves. If Steven could inject himself, my life would be much easier. The camps are for diabetics only- which we prefer. He knows a couple of kids with diabetes, but they are different grades at his school and they are not his friends. He's gone through his peer group not wanting him to touch them because they were worried they'd "catch diabetes". He just rolls his eyes. Thankfully he has his twin sister there to give them the "You're an idiot" look...

    So I like that the camps are for diabetics only, but of course Isabel wants to go to a camp too. This leads me to a little dilemma. ALSO the camps all interfere with the summer swim season to some degree. Our team is not a very competetive team, but Steven is top of his age category and he wants to compete for the "top point" trophy and stuff like that. He has a little rivalry with a 10 year old swimmer this summer lol. But, it's a relaxed team in that if you miss a week, no one gets uptight.

    There are a couple of options-- so chime in please if you have any opinions on the matter.

    1) Send Steven to a camp for one week (6 nights) immediately following the end of our regular swim team season. The camp is only for diabetics, there is no other non-diabetic camp around that area... So Steven would be the only one at camp. We would have to take him out the last day of camp IF he is on a relay team that makes it to the all star relay meet. I don't think this would happen. I would say a 20% chance that could happen. And if he just wanted to miss the Big Meet they could put a sub in. I don't think his team would place in the Big Meet regardless.

    Big downside with this option is that Isabel wouldn't go to a camp, unless I found some other camp to send her to. She'd be pretty upset to not go to camp...

    2) Send Isabel and Steven both to the same camp-- But they'd be in different programs. There is another camp (it's a little farther away than camp 1-- in opposite directions of course!) that has a regular program, and then a diabetes program. They run separately completely, but the same location. So the kids would probably see each other around, but they wouldn't be together for activities or anything. The only camp session we could do though would be only 2 nights. I'm not sure that's worth it- Izzy has already had a 2 night camp last summer for Girl Scouts and she was ready to stay for more. Steven hasn't gone away to camp before, but he really wants to... And I don't think that in 2 nights he'd get enough out of the camp (I want him to make diabetic friends, learn to inject himself, be more indedpendent with carb counting...) for it to really help him with managing his diabetes. It's an introductory camp. That's about it.

    Big downside is that this camp is really short. There is a longer option, but that's out because it would miss the Divisionals meet for the swim season and that is an important meet. He can't miss that. Plus the long session is really long- 9 nights! I think that may be a little too much. Big upside is that Iz and Steven could be at a camp at the same time. But then, again, there may be a downside from the "diabetes" aspect bc this camp has non-diabetics and diabetics all on the grounds. The non-diabetics would be running around with their candy bars and what not while the diabetics can't have snacks...

    So, what would you do?

    Any opinions on sleepaway camps? For first timers? DD15 went to sleepaway camp when she was going into 2nd grade LOL. It was a whole week and she only got upset when I came to pick her up. She actually threw a fit because she did not want to come home. But she has ALWAYS been fiercely independent...

    Do you think it's fair for Steven to go to a camp if Isabel can not? Given that Diabetes Camp is a special type of thing? Do I really NEED to find a camp for her too?

    Anyway, I have to decide Pronto bc these diabetes camps fill up very quickly. Sigh...

    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

  • #2
    I'd do the 6 day diabetes camp for S. Then, maybe do something else special for I. I think S would thrive in the support of diabetics and that is the camp for him. Maybe be frank with I and ask her what she would consider in lieu of camp. My parents did a $200 shopping spree once when they sent my brother to camp and I had the time of my life! Maybe if you frame it right for I, she'd be more willing to accept something different to be fair. Really depends on the kid though.
    Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


    • #3
      I vote for option 1. Send Steven to the weeklong diabetic camp. It seems like the best option for him. For Isabel, maybe you could find a local class that she could take. It'd be more work for you though to drive her somewhere. Does she have a hobby like sewing or painting or cooking or dance?
      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


      • #4
        I don't really have any advice, but I'll throw out that my best friend from high school now helps run a diabetic camp (not near you, unfortunately). She was diagnosed at age 8 and really credits the camp with helping her come to terms with diabetes. So I do think it's worth sending S to camp.
        Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


        • #5
          I vote for option 1 as well. This is one of those things that can't be equal. Plan something else Izzy, could she go to summer camp even though it would be at a different camp or different time? Would she mind missing the big swim meet just this summer?
          Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


          • #6
            Maybe discuss with I how this camp for S could really help him live the way she does, and that for her understanding, she can do something fun too. I really like Michele's idea of a local class. Dance? Art? Crafts? Music? Horse-riding?
            Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


            • #7
              Option One and something special for Izzy. There are so many local options available for her.



              • #8

                Iz is a very supportive sister. She isn't the big swimmer, so missing swimming is really no big deal. I think I'll look at some sleepaway camps and see what I come up with, and I'll ask her what she'd like to do. She does like art and doodling-- she calls it making cartoons-- and there are lots of daycamps with a focus on that. We've never done it bc that isn't Steven's thing. He doesn't like art... So, maybe I can find something like that.

                Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                • #9
                  I'm assuming you probably have plenty of options closer to you, but just in case, this is one that allows siblings but is completely geared toward diabetics. I've been there many times for church retreats and it is really nice. (Hehe, we all use to complain about the diabetic food because they changed the menu for no one) I think the sessions are longer than a week though.

                  Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                  • #10
                    I'll fourth or fifth option one. Diabetes is a headline issue that S has to live with his whole life. This camp is more about serving his needs although it does serve the secondary function of the providing the right of passage of that summer camp represents. (This is coming from someone who is a huge believer in summer camps, BTW!) I am absolutely positive that you will be able to find some sort of Girl Power camp that you can find for I.

                    Have fun!
                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                    • #11
                      I'm with everyone else. Steven needs/deserves this camp, it will probably make a huge difference for him. I would find a different camp for Isabel, for the same week if possible.
                      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                      • #12
                        Option 1 plus sleep-away camp for Izzy. I think it's important for him to connect with other strong, advocating diabetics. It will be awesome to reconnect with these kids and families each year, the hard and the good years. I think its good for you too. Keep in touch with the friends/families that he connects with especially as you guys move for training and beyond. It would be AWESOME (from a nursing perspective) if he did have to leave a day early for swimming all-stars. So many diabetic kids (their parents) are afraid to let them fully participate in sporting events. They are understandably worried about their sugar dropping and just avoid it. Steven should share his swimming enthusiasm, and it will benefit the whole camp...even if he has to leave early to compete...especially. I think these potentially long-term, diabetic friendships will be critical as he goes through adolescence, and rebels against his metabolic handicaps and wants to be just like everyone else. My HS BF was a juvenile diabetic. It's unfair, and you need to connect to someone.

                        That said, I also think it's *critical* that Izzy also go to a sleep away camp....if she that's what she wants. Give her various summer options, camp vs class, and spend a lot of time and hot cocoa with her imagining what will be the most fun and exciting for her. I think given her frequent visits to the nurse this year and watching her brother do something exciting, exclusive and new due to health needs is a slippery slope. Break out your ice cleats, Mama.
                        Last edited by Ladybug; 02-08-2011, 05:11 PM.


                        • #13
                          I found a fun camp for izzy that's about 40 mi fr Stevens. It is in the Annapolis side of the Chesapeake. I showed both of them the websites to the prospective camps and they were both really excited. I think well drive out there over spring break and take a look. Izzy's camp is one day shorter, but they start the same day. I'm going to start registrations tomorrow.

                          I'll have to find a day camp for Luke while they are away- the world is not ready for Luke at a sleepwear camp yet lol!!!

                          I know it's going to be an emotional week when that camp week gets here. The twins have never been apart for more than a couple of days. I'm already feeling so much better knowing that Stevens first away from home experience will be in this setting with doctors and trained staff right there.

                          Yay to the docs and nurses and nurse practitioners who agree to this kind of gig!!!!

                          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                          • #14
                            iPhone typos-- sleepaway camp not sleepwear camp. Stupid autocorrect.

                            Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                            • #15
                              Peggy- is one of the camps at Camp Letts? I went there for 6th grade camp and just did a 5k turkey trot there a few years ago. They've completely redone it. You know that if you're ever in need of a potty break on the Eastern Shore, my parents live in Stevensville, first stop over the bridge. Hang a left, go to the end of the island. Look for the crazy art work in the front yard and there you are.


