I hear you Tara, and I've been reluctant to put the kabosh on the longer breakfast routines because I know it comes from his heart . It really sucks for me though. He's cooks it while the kids are asleep and then leaves them a hot breakfast for when they wake up and usually says good by to them while walking out the door. I end up being the stressed out parent that's nagging, endlessly repeating myself, rushing them, cleaning up the breakfast aftermath and everything Jude threw on the floor. Our mornings are really stressful and I end up screaming at kids more than I care to admit. So I'm considering asking him to help in a different way that might be less "fun" but willl make our mornings more efficient and peaceful. If we can spend less time preparing breakfast then I can get more help with dressing/redirecting/refereeing. I think we'll try waking them up 30 minutes earlier and both of us working together to dress/pack everyone before breakfast and simplify weekday breakfast until they are better at dressing themselves.
We'll have to continue tweeking it. I just don't want all their memories to be of me yelling in the mornings either.
We'll have to continue tweeking it. I just don't want all their memories to be of me yelling in the mornings either.