We had coloring and a Q&A worksheet Homework tonight. What a PITA
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School year '13-'14
DS is in third grade and being homeschooled this year. We're doing a very classical system and he seems to like it. He can do all the advanced math and science he wants, and I can work with him on his weakness of spelling and writing (he has zero confidence, but he's quickly changing his attitude!). His writing and spelling have improved SO MUCH just in the past three months. We have math, science, spelling, Latin, language arts, history, and a little religion. He is in a science fair this October, a chess club, Boy Scout, fencing, and violin lessons. Plus, a robotics group. I wish I had his social life... I can't believe that socialization was the part of homeschooling I worried about. For the first time in over a year, I feel like I have made a good decision for my kid. It's a bloody amount of work for me, but even if it only for a year or two, I am already happy we decided to go this route. I genuinely enjoy it and I like getting to know my son as a learner.
DD#1 started public school PreK. It is a fantastic opportunity for her to be bossy, so she's having a blast. ha! She is not subtle. The academics are WAY below her level, but I am sure everyone feels that way. But it is great socialization!
DD#2 is still at her preschool. Where she also gets to be bossy. So, she too is happy.
DD#3 is not in daycare yet. We're #4 on the waiting list (down from #120), but we told that it will probably be months. I hate Atlanta.
Originally posted by GrayMatterWife View PostDS is in third grade and being homeschooled this year. We're doing a very classical system and he seems to like it.Alison
DD seems to be thriving in her Montessori school. She missed the summer session teacher and had a bit of a meltdown before arriving, but had a great day once she jumped in. I think we made a good choice, even though it may be her only *activity* due to the residency budget. She'll live. DH and I see the Montessori influence everyday at home and it's really fun (she mopped my kitchen floor last night!)Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.
So far the only issue we've had is with the PE teachers. Apparently their solution for unruly kids is to make ALL the kids sit and be quiet for the entire gym class. I'm surprised the other teachers haven't punched them in the teacher's lounge. Needless to say, numerous emails, phone calls and meetings are being requested to get this resolved. They're HORRIBLE.
Our kids don't start until Tuesday, Sept. 3rd .... which is about 2 weeks too late. In August, we got into the habit of staying up super late and sleeping in. Time to get control of that! ugh!
Amanda picked her classes last year and she's ready to roll. This is her senior year. I can't believe it!
Alex got registered only a week ago. He made the switch from the preparatory school to our public high school in part because he simply wants to go to school with his friends. The kids from the prep school live far apart and don't socialize and this was a big deal to him. It was tough for him to make the decision to allow him to switch, but now it's done. He's happy because he is taking an AP class already as a freshman and he thinks he rocks! LOL Good for him.
Aidan is starting the 4th grade with the teacher he refers to as "the meanest teacher in the whole school." She seemed perfectly nice to me last night at open house, but he assured me that this is how she acts for parents, not for kids. I have to admit that it has me a little worried. He is afraid of school starting and is worried about it. I kind of am too now.
Zoe loves her second grade teacher. We had open house last night and she was afraid to go into her classroom and barely said boo to the woman. Her teacher gave her special play-dough to take home though and was so kind and welcoming that by the end of the meeting she was walking on air, "I'm so lucky. I love my teacher. I can't wait for 2nd grade."
Of course, Andrew just started college and is busy getting to know the ins and outs of campus life and taking classes, so there is that too. We are in contact with him basically all day long. He is struggling but ultimately he's doing okay.
That's us....~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
We are on our second full week of school. DD1 transitioned easily to middle school. I wish her gymnastics practices didn't take up most of her free time for socialization and/or school activities. DD2 got the teacher which I dreaded for her. Ugh. She is a terrible teacher and yells a lot. She got reprimanded by the principal last year. DD becomes obstinate with negativity. We are hoping for the best and expecting the worst. The teacher professes how great she is with kids because she nannied for her 3 nieces last summer. (Insert eye roll). DD3 started 1st grade and we are still waiting for her to have some homework. haha. We don't worry about her. She loves school and gets along with everyone. DD2 is already home sick with a 102 fever.Needs
Originally posted by MarissaNicole View PostGMW does that mean your working from home with DD3 and teaching DS?!
Wife to PGY4
She is on the wait-list for daycare. It is Atlanta, so the lists are long and impossible. She's number 4. It could be tomorrow; it could be six months. On an up-note, she'll be the only preschoolers speaking Latin and freehand drawing maps of the ancient Nile river valley... *snort!*
Originally posted by spotty_dog View PostNot gonna lie, part of me hopes public school doesn't work out so we can pull DS and do classical homeschool. I've used a blend of classical and unschooling during the summer, and he loves all the history and math and spelling, done at his pace when he has motivation. Loves it! And I am a math and science nerd with a strong linguistics bent, best believe I love it too. School is going to be a letdown for us all...
Originally posted by GrayMatterWife View PostOh, yeah. And working full-time. Yeah, totally the schedule I was hoping for post-residency. You wanna know how much I sleep? About four hours a night.
She is on the wait-list for daycare. It is Atlanta, so the lists are long and impossible. She's number 4. It could be tomorrow; it could be six months. On an up-note, she'll be the only preschoolers speaking Latin and freehand drawing maps of the ancient Nile river valley... *snort!*
Wife to PGY4Loving wife of neurosurgeon
Originally posted by GrayMatterWife View PostDo you WOTH? If you do, a classical homeschool education requires an enormous amount of discipline because it is really demanding and there is a lot to get through. In schooling provides a lot more flexibility (it also can be academically demanding, of course, but it is less structured).I know very well (somewhat first-hand, even, after this summer of math/spelling/reading/writing/grammar/history) how intensive a rigorous classical education can be, and wondered how you were finding balance. It sounds like, for your health, you might need to make a change soon? Your kids are so lucky to have you!
Originally posted by spotty_dog View PostNo, I ceased with career aspirations when I brought my first kid home.I know very well (somewhat first-hand, even, after this summer of math/spelling/reading/writing/grammar/history) how intensive a rigorous classical education can be, and wondered how you were finding balance. It sounds like, for your health, you might need to make a change soon? u!
I am hoping we move. Atlanta sucks. But, in the meantime, I have to find a solution. I am not going to waste my kids' elementary school years in sub-par education in yet another sacrifice at the altar of his career. I screwed them (inadvertently) badly enough by moving them here, with such poor educational realities. I have to step up and take some responsibility for the solution.
Originally posted by MarissaNicole View PostWait a minute. You're post residency and should be having champagne and bon bons.... not working through the night! No, seriously, good for you. Sounds exhausting but rewarding!
Wife to PGY4
But, that is why homeschooling has been a blessing. Spending more time with DS is about the only part of this move that has not felt like a demotion. I am bitter now, but I am praying that is just a selfish, immature reaction on my part. I hope that a couple of years from now, I can see that God had a plan for all this...and that I rose to the occasion and didn't work against that.