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Things other parents say

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  • #16
    This is true. I actually had a mom text me once that her son told her I said she was a bad mom. I never said it. I'm sure mom feels like at least I know that she knows ... but honestly, I didn't say it!
    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #17
      When I was 5, I asked my Great-Uncle (in front of my entire extended family at a holiday gathering) why he didn't do any work around the house.

      "Why would you say that?"

      "Because mommy said..."

      "But I mow the lawn"


      To be fair, just a few years later he left my great-aunt for a woman he met on an AOL chat room...
      Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


      • #18
        This kind of reminded me of the time my kids told my MIL that she stinks at doing laundry because she turns everything pink. Oops. We've had a couple experiences where our kids' friends have repeated negative conversations from their parents about my children to my children. It stings for sure. Our policy is what is said in our house stays in our house.


        • #19
          I get that shit all the time from my own family (mom and sis). Guess how many fucks I give? Yup, zero.

          Parent how you feel compelled to parent and don't worry about what anyone else thinks about it. That goes for parents who are told they're too permissive, too. The parental judgment thing can go eat a dick.

          We all parent differently. Some of it works; some of it doesn't. That's kind of how the gig works.

          You, my dear, are a fabulous parent. Period.


          • #20
            I teach with a music program for elementary/middle school students. Before each class session the teachers try to catch up and set goals. There are always one or two kids lurking in the shadows listening to what we're saying. Kids are hilariously curious and some of them excel at "disappearing" and eaves dropping. It does sound like the kind of comment spouses say to each other in private. My guess is they said exactly what the child repeated but had no idea the they were in the room / listening.


            • #21
              Thanks for all of the feedback guys - I know we're strict with her, she goes to school with a lot of kids that do whatever the heck they want so I'm sure it seems like we're even more strict. I also know it takes a bit more to redirect her then R. He falls into tears if he thinks he's in trouble so a simple command straightens him up, A is not motivated the same way. I also know I need to let up just a bit and let her be a kid.
              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


              • #22
                Personally, I see so much parenting that is not doing the kids any favors. Today, my three year old was at an all school tree decorating where the kids in the four year old class told the three year olds all kinds of nasty things... "You're babies, you can't play with us, you stink, you're ugly," and on and on. All of the parents were standing there. After my daughter walked away crying, I finally stepped in and talked to the two ringleaders, telling them that we might not all be friends at home, but at school we are all friends , we don't name call, etc. the other parents just stood there (including the parents of the nastiest kids). I explained to my daughter that I will never see or hear about her behaving in such a manner. As we were leaving the director and another teacher stopped to thank me because they didn't feel they could intervene while the parents were supervising their own kids. What are these kids going to be like when they reach highschool?

                Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
                Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!

