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College co-ed bathrooms in dorms?

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  • #31
    i went to college in 1992 and there was non official co-ed bathrooms. in my case--the females just use the male bathroom because there was only 1 per floor--so if they wanted to shower/poop in female bathroom only--they would have to take a stairs down--most girls did not do that). sad enough, the next yr, i live on a female bathroom floor. i couldn't believe the females wouldn't let the guys use it. of course-some guys did anyway. also, cohabitating is/was relatively common arrange in college. yes, that means there's lots of sex/partnering up. relationship last normally a semester or two. of course, i didn't know about any of this until after college since i was/is prune.


    • #32
      Originally posted by peggyfromwastate View Post
      Anyway the google search also showed a new trend towards coed rooms.

      Not ready for this.
      Co-ed rooms are definitely growing in popularity on campuses across the country. Part of the reason this type of living arrangement is becoming more common is that institutions are looking to accommodate GLBT students. These students may not want to live in a single gender room and would feel more comfortable living with a member of the opposite gender. And there are students whose gender does not fit into either male or female. At my alma mater, they are solely accommodating the GLBT student. Men and women cannot choose to live together without going through a specific program and process. No way they would let DH and I shack up together, lol.

      Bottom line: do your homework. Most campuses will offer a variety of options, everything from co-ed everything to floors by gender to single sex housing. Read up on the institution's housing and residence life websites. Ask questions on tours. Get an overnight visit, if offered. These can help a student get a feel for what it would be like to live in particular arrangements. Because it can sound great in theory, but in reality it could be a whole different ball of wax.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


      • #33
        Originally posted by Sheherezade View Post
        UMich had an all female dorm, but the tour guide did present it in a kind of weird way ("I think they have tea parties and stuff in there....*giggle*" ) that I thought was unkind. For a lot of schools you can see the housing layouts online; fewer schools are giving tours now of the housing though for security reasons.
        Ugh. That is a tour guide who needs more training on how to speak positively about ALL aspects of the school. You never know who your audience is. I still struggle with how these perceptions of all-female dorms persist. I lived in one all four years and did not have pillow fights in my underwear, turn into a lesbian, or have tea parties. What I did have a supportive community of women and make some fantastic female friends, while also having male friends and meeting my DH. :steps down from soapbox:

        I am surprised to hear that less schools are offering the dorm room tour. That is usually THE highlight. You can skip everything else but don't skip the dorm room! Interesting trend.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
        Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


        • #34
          Originally posted by scarlett09 View Post
          Co-ed rooms are definitely growing in popularity on campuses across the country. Part of the reason this type of living arrangement is becoming more common is that institutions are looking to accommodate GLBT students. These students may not want to live in a single gender room and would feel more comfortable living with a member of the opposite gender. And there are students whose gender does not fit into either male or female. At my alma mater, they are solely accommodating the GLBT student. Men and women cannot choose to live together without going through a specific program and process. No way they would let DH and I shack up together, lol.

          Bottom line: do your homework. Most campuses will offer a variety of options, everything from co-ed everything to floors by gender to single sex housing. Read up on the institution's housing and residence life websites. Ask questions on tours. Get an overnight visit, if offered. These can help a student get a feel for what it would be like to live in particular arrangements. Because it can sound great in theory, but in reality it could be a whole different ball of wax.

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
          Not surprising, though don't think I would have cared as a college freshman. Did I come home to my female dorm mate having sex in my (our) shower? yes. Or have to console suite mates going through 1) mushroom trip 2) international study 3) about to be sent to the middle east thru military commitment? yes. This is part of the process and the only thing I disagree with is when colleges require students to live in the dorms. Bottom line: once your kid goes to college let them go.


          • #35
            Originally posted by MAPPLEBUM View Post
            Did I come home to my female dorm mate having sex in my (our) shower? yes. Or have to console suite mates going through 1) mushroom trip 2) international study 3) about to be sent to the middle east thru military commitment? yes. This is part of the process and the only thing I disagree with is when colleges require students to live in the dorms. Bottom line: once your kid goes to college let them go.

            Our oldest is going off to college next year. I couldn't give half a shit what the sleeping/bathing arrangements may or may not be in her dorm. She's an adult and we've raised her to make her own smart decisions. If she makes a stupid decision, so be it. She's an adult and will deal with the consequences.

            She will eventually get laid, get drunk, and maybe even experiment with weed (we live in a state where it's legal to use for those over 21 y/o). Hopefully, the extent of her poor decisions are limited to things that won't compromise her health and safety.

