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  • #16
    I'm going to look for that Scoot stuff -- thanks for posting that suggestion.


    • #17
      Nellie - between the "cue the banjo music" and the picture you attached I'm about to pee my pants. I know it wouldn't be funny if it were my yard, but there are so many holes there that it seems cartoonish! :!


      • #18
        Nellie, those moles are hard at work! Holy moly. Get it?
        married to an anesthesia attending


        • #19
          I was gonna mail you one of the plastic mallets to my daughter whack a mole game, but then I realized they continue to still pop up!! I'm so sorry I couldn't resist... but hey at least I provided you w/ the scoot link


          • #20
  's the update.

            On the plus side, all this mole activity means we have a very healthy lawn. And as long as it doesn't cave in on us from all the tunnels (up to 37 molehills today!), it has been nicely aerated. Also, our drainage problems are somewhat relieved and it doesn't seem like we need a French drain anymore.

            I sent DH out for some mole chasin' tools. He couldn't find the castor oil stuff. Even though it isn't as effective ( ) he bought one of those sonic tubes to put in the ground. I had to ask if the moles were making him feel inadequate.

            Our neighbor has a few traps so we (he) will give that a try. He also ordered some fox urine (I'm not kidding) since foxes are predators and moles have a fear of their scent. :!


            • #21
              When I first saw this I thought it was "mules" and I really couldn't wait to find out what your next adventure entailed!!!!!!
              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


              • #22

                The squinty bastard(s) continues to dig holes. It has been 2 weeks since we (read: DH) has tried any new tactics.

                Guess what? The sonic tube dealie doesn't work. Just like the article that pinkpickles posted says.

                Dh ordered some fox urine and it had it shipped to us. He set up a pee-rimeter with it and sprinkled some in the newest holes. There are no new molehills today so...maybe it is helping?

                Next up is setting up traps and spraying on castor oil. The castor oil sounds most promising but is time consuming to spray on because it takes a while to apply.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by cupcake
                  He set up a pee-rimeter with it
                  you should market the stuff!


                  • #24
                    My parents used bubble gum as per their gardener and it got rid of the moles. You have to get that nasty hard as a rock, old fashioned type... I think it's Double Bubble. You stick one in each mole hole.

                    It can't hurt to try and at least it's cheap!


                    • #25
                      My parents used bubble gum as per their gardener and it got rid of the moles. You have to get that nasty hard as a rock, old fashioned type... I think it's Double Bubble. You stick one in each mole hole.

                      It can't hurt to try and at least it's cheap!
                      now that would be something if thats all it took! I wonder what it does to the moles? Do they get sick from it, do they die?? Like you really care at this point, huh nellie!?


                      • #26
                        Thanks for the tip! That would be really easy to try. So far the fox urine seems to be helping. No holes yesterday or today.


                        • #27
                          The gardener said it was the smell. So you actually have to do it a couple times before they stop coming back. If you think about it, it does smell rank. I can't believe I ever chewed that stuff. Plus, it would get hard after like 2 minutes.


                          • #28
                            I don't want to jinx myself but I think the mole(s) are gone.

                            I didn't have to try the Double Bubble trick but if they come back that is first on the list.


                            • #29
                              I don't want to jinx myself but I think the mole(s) are gone.
                              ohh you are tempting fate's to hoping you haven't jinxed yourself w/ your mole & car seat statements!!

