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Cork floors

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  • Cork floors

    Anyone have any experience with cork floors? I have cork in one bathroom (bad idea if you're thinking of installing one. I mean they're great floors and I would love on in my kitchen but the bathroom is too wet) and I have no idea how to care for it. I read one thing online that said that if they're not sealed then they should be hard waxed. I really don't want to get down on all fours to hand wax my bathroom floor. I will if I have to and it would be a great way to work off some steam but...could take a while.

    Anyone have any words of wisdom?


  • #2
    I put cork flooring in the kitchen and love it. I don't know about the care. I assume mine is sealed because of the sheen on it. I just mop it.

    Do you think it is an older floor? I'm pretty sure that most (all?) of the cork flooring I looked at was sealed.


    • #3
      It's cork tiles and some are sealed and some have lost their luster. I think I'll just attempt the damp mop and go from there.

      Jealous about the cork in the kitchen. We have ancient hardwood that I'd never part with but should I ever have the opportunity- I'm so doing cork.



      • #4
        I wonder if you could re-use the hardwoods elsewhere in the house? In case you get a whim to change it.

        We had hardwood in our last kitchen (after peeling through 4 layers of gross vinyl and linolium). I much prefer the cork. It is such an soft surface and comfortable to stand on for extended periods. If we add on to this house, I would like to have cork in some of the new rooms.

        Our kitchen is high traffic so I wonder if we will wear down the finish eventually. If you find out what you can put on it, let me know.

