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Get your SOs on THIS bandwagon!

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  • Get your SOs on THIS bandwagon!

    Soooo... my SO loves bourbon and coke. Last night, we went out to dinner and rented The Illusionist and he had about 4 drinks or so. After the movie, he decided he wanted to "help" and did ALL my dishes, by hand, and took out about 5 bags of trash to the dumpster (remember I don't have a dishwasher AND I live on the third floor of a walkup) and it was hailing the whole time! He is such a sweetheart and he actually ENJOYS cleaning and doing dishes when he's been drinking. :huh: I'll take it!!

  • #2
    I wish DH was so easy or cheap. It took couples counseling to get him to take out the garbage.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Vishenka69
      I wish DH was so easy or cheap. It took couples counseling to get him to take out the garbage.
      Okay it's NOT funny but I had to chuckle at this. (for all practical purposes I was in the same boat! )

      Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

      “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


      • #4
        The glamour of medical lifestyle.


        • #5
          DH loves the kitchen. He actually wanted to become a chef, but the Cordon Bleu was prohibitively expensive, so he chose med school instead. I'm not joking!!! He's in anesthesiology- so I guess it's kind of like cooking

          Anyways, he does all cooking and cleaning in the kitchen- even decorates it with fresh-cut flowers from his garden! He still wants to own a restaurant one day, and for as much work as that is, I think he would love it. I always thought his cooking dreams were corny, but now I am in hog heaven (literally because I eat his food like a pig)!!! Chefs/chef-wannabes is were its at, ladies.


          • #6
            He's in anesthesiology- so I guess it's kind of like cooking
            How do you figure? Mine has only mastered the buttons on the microwave and even then half the time it's too cold and the other half it's too hot. :huh:


            • #7
              Grasshopper - your husband and I have a lot in common! I want to be a chef too! (Well, actually I want to be on the Food Network, but it's close.)


              • #8
                I thought we're doing a show on TLC? I bet if we figured out how to combine Food Network and WNTW, we'd make millions. Any ideas?


                • #9
                  And can you believe that in high school I was voted "Most Hollywood Bound" (among other things, to toot my own horn for a moment). I have too many dreams, I can't focus. But hey, I guess I'm just that good at everything!


                  • #10
                    Dreams are great and all, but we need some concrete ideas here.


                    • #11
                      Re: Get your SOs on THIS bandwagon!

                      Originally posted by Stella
                      he actually ENJOYS cleaning and doing dishes when he's been drinking. :huh: I'll take it!!
                      hilarious, Stella!

                      So, how many times have you tried to take advantage of him?

                      You take care of the tab, he'll take care of the kitchen.


                      • #12
                        What a hilarious story! I can get DH to help out around the house when he asks if he can play XBox 360 (aka he wants me to stop watching TV). I'll go, "Okay, you can play if you a) load the dishwasher, b) take out the trash, and c) put the laundry away." Miraculously, it all gets done in 15 minutes...when it's been sitting out for days or a week at a time.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by pitterpat
                          What a hilarious story! I can get DH to help out around the house when he asks if he can play XBox 360 (aka he wants me to stop watching TV). I'll go, "Okay, you can play if you a) load the dishwasher, b) take out the trash, and c) put the laundry away." Miraculously, it all gets done in 15 minutes...when it's been sitting out for days or a week at a time.
                          that is quite similar to getting my kids to do stuff.


                          • #14
                            It's all about the reward!

                            Heck, that's how I work. If my SO makes me jog, I want a treat. If he makes me walk in the freezing cold through the parking lot to get to the grocery store instead of getting to wait in the car, I want a treat. If I take a vitamin (ewww I hate swallowing pills), I get a treat.


