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Habitat ReStore Directory

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  • Habitat ReStore Directory

    I just read an article locally about these stores selling disgarded materials and selling them at great prices. Check out if there is one by you. I might be going here alot when we move.

  • #2
    Another good thing about them is that they will come and pick up your old stuff and give you a tax receipt for it. They have picked up our working but old appliances and hauled them off for a new life.
    Mom to three wild women.


    • #3
      Even if you don't have one run by Habitat (there are a ton of those popping up), there are other "recycling" centers that are very similar. There is an awesome one in Minneapolis, run by builders who wanted a place to recycle things they gut from other homes. I think it's called the Reuse Center.
      Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


      • #4
        We just had a ReStore open in Milwaukee - I LOVE it - I try to get there once every 2 weeks or so -- I'm what I call a 'treasure hunter.' lol They have junky stuff, okay stuff and amazing stuff -- you just have to go regularly to get the best deals IMO


        • #5
          We have a ReStore around the corner from us- I'm pretty sure that's where the cobbled together toilet came from. (or at least half of it)

          I'll never do a tile floor without checking them out first. When we were contemplating redoing the bathroom in the first SA house I went often.

          There's another store here that sells large architectural pieces like mantles, doors, staricases, etc.



          • #6
            We have the Rebuilding Center. I donated a lot of the old kitchen to them. They will even do the demolition work if needed.

