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Swimming Pools

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  • Swimming Pools


    I'm having a nervous breakdown over this damned pool that I didn't want in the first place.

    I know nothing about it - nothing. So I hired Frank the pool guy to take care of it for me.

    Tonight, Andrew, the former owners son who is my next door neighbor came over to ask if he could use the hot tub as he was "having some lady friends over". Well, since I'm all about people having as happy a life as possible, I said, "sure- you know what you're doing, right?" Well, apparently not- he drained the f-ing hot tub-twice. Guess how mammoth my water bill is going to be- and he might have messed up my filter/pump too. I think I have everything working properly now but I'm going to stay up for a little while to make sure that everything remains OK.

    I don't want to burn up the pump OR flood the yard. all bad, bad things.

    I hate this f-ing pool.


    and I really, super duper hate GWB because I'm not the one who wanted the f-ing pool. No, the pool's owner is unavailable at the moment because he's dispensing band-aids and sudafed to prisoners....

  • #2
    Speaking of pools, ours currently has one section of the pool deck that eroded then just up and collapsed. I called the pool repairman begging him to come out in early April. He was supposed to start work on it last week, never called, never showed. I finally got him to return a call- he was going on vacation to Mexico the next morning and will be out 'next week'.

    The pool service, which we hired out of desperation, bc my DH pretends the thing doesnt exist until ten minutes before he wants to swim, shows up when they feel like it. It is flourescent green at the moment, and the check i left out there for them May 1 is still sitting there, only it got rained on.

    And they are all the same- if we fire this guy, the next guy will be just as crappy. I am speaking from multiple firing experience already.

    A pool is great when it is blazing hot out and it is so pretty and sparkling blue but it is a a major bitch the rest of the time.

    Where is that hijack emoticon?
    Mom to three wild women.


    • #3
      I didn't want one because I knew what a huge pain they are- the ex had one in a house he owned with a buddy of his. Same thing- thought "oh how fun" until the three (they had a renter) of them had to figure out who was going to do what, and when.


      PS- NEVER again


      • #4
        Have ya'll seen the iRobot Verro?
        Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.

