I am really hoping that the electric company is wrong right now!
We moved into our new house in September and I didn't realize/it didn't occur to me that we have the electric meter moved from the inside of the garage to the outside of the house, but we didn't have the gas meter moved. Since the meter is in the closed garage, they can't get to it every month and it didn't occur to us to leave the door open for them. So, since September, the electic company has been estimating our gas usage based on the previous owner's usage. (Us, a family of 3 vs the previous owner, an old man that grew up in the depression and cut every corner imaginable and then some!) They sent us a nice letter saying that they can estimate the usage for 9 months or so, but by law, after 9 months, they can cut off our service. But, you can enter your usage every month online. No big deal, right? In April, DH entered the usage online and our April bill was fine.
But, last week I was home when they came so I opened the garage door for the guy. I was a bit leary because the garage is very dark (there is only 1 window and it is covered with something) and the meter is all the way in the back corner. The guy stood in the entrance of the garage to do the reading. Today I got the bill for over $700! I don't think that he truly "read" the meter since it was so dark - you could hardly even see it! - , so they are coming back tomorrow for a re-read.
It is always something, isn't it?
We moved into our new house in September and I didn't realize/it didn't occur to me that we have the electric meter moved from the inside of the garage to the outside of the house, but we didn't have the gas meter moved. Since the meter is in the closed garage, they can't get to it every month and it didn't occur to us to leave the door open for them. So, since September, the electic company has been estimating our gas usage based on the previous owner's usage. (Us, a family of 3 vs the previous owner, an old man that grew up in the depression and cut every corner imaginable and then some!) They sent us a nice letter saying that they can estimate the usage for 9 months or so, but by law, after 9 months, they can cut off our service. But, you can enter your usage every month online. No big deal, right? In April, DH entered the usage online and our April bill was fine.
But, last week I was home when they came so I opened the garage door for the guy. I was a bit leary because the garage is very dark (there is only 1 window and it is covered with something) and the meter is all the way in the back corner. The guy stood in the entrance of the garage to do the reading. Today I got the bill for over $700! I don't think that he truly "read" the meter since it was so dark - you could hardly even see it! - , so they are coming back tomorrow for a re-read.
It is always something, isn't it?