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Bill question about the pool

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  • Bill question about the pool

    The guy that services our pool just did a major repair-there was erosion around the pool deck and a portion of it collapsed. He poured part of a new deck and I am not sure if he knows it or not, poked a big hole in the french drain that runs beside it which caused brand new erosion when it rained last. At the same time, he never showed up for weekly cleaning for the first two weeks of May and our pool turned bright green ( like the color of the ad on the top of the screen now). He finally got on the ball but our pool did not turn clear again until early June.

    So with that backstory, my questions are:
    1. What should I do about paying him for service for the month of May? I dont want to pay him the full amount, or preferably at all for May but I dont want world war III either.

    2. He finished with the pool deck two weeks ago and I have not seen him (only his lackey) or received a bill. This means I havent gotten to point out the new erosion either. What is up with that? I am getting kind of worried that he hasnt shown up to collect yet.
    Mom to three wild women.

  • #2
    I'd call the company and request a meeting to discuss all of the above issues-

    and then hire a new pool guy and report this pool guy to Angie's List.



    • #3
      I would get a new one............ but they all seem to suck and he is least expensive of all the lame ass pool people in this town. Plus he is a major schmoozer/kissup and I swear it works when he calls me sweetheart and honey
      Mom to three wild women.


      • #4
        Sue Anne! I'm surprised you fall for that! I would have assumed you were one of the "don't you DARE call me sweetheart" kind of gals!

        If you don't want to ditch him (I'd probably go Jenn's route), call him darlin' and make him reduce the bill.


        • #5
          Well I had a similar situation...normally I would send him a pymnt through my on line banking. Once the issues arose, I took the statement and wrote on it, in green sharpie, as to why I was deducting said amt from the total, and then enclosed a paper check.
          I told him I hoped he would be understanding and accept my position on the matter, as I "believed it was a fair solution to an obvious problem."
          I also said, if he had an issue with it, then he could consider are arrangement over. He accepted the reasons and the lesser pymnt, but I had to fire them a month or so later for no shows .

