So we are gone in 10 days (HALLELUJIAH!!)
Kids furniture. . .specifically, a bookcase and an armoire-style storage cabinet for DD1. We attached both of these to the wall here. In our new house, there is wallpaper
(it's not really that bad. It's very neutral.) and I am scared, very scared to put 8 holes in the wallpaper (per piece of furniture). We are only there for 2 years.
Would you attach the furniture? Or buy a new bookcase, etc. that is low enough to not be an issue? My girls have actually never even attempted to climb anything more than the sofa but better safe than sorry. My DH tells me not to worry about tipping.
This is the same guy who used to buckle my DDs in their carseat with the top buckle closer to their belly button?!?

Kids furniture. . .specifically, a bookcase and an armoire-style storage cabinet for DD1. We attached both of these to the wall here. In our new house, there is wallpaper

Would you attach the furniture? Or buy a new bookcase, etc. that is low enough to not be an issue? My girls have actually never even attempted to climb anything more than the sofa but better safe than sorry. My DH tells me not to worry about tipping.
