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2 1/2 Days and counting...

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  • 2 1/2 Days and counting...

    I've been working on cleaning and organizing my kitchen for 2 1/2 days and I'm still not done.

    I've been washing down cabinets inside and out. This afternoon, I got the entire inside of the refrigerator squeaky clean. My hands feel disgusting! I cannot believe how gross my cabinets and refrigerator were. YUCK!

    So tell the truth, does everyone clean their refrigerator and cabinets inside and out every single year??? I'm only up to once every 4 years. I do the basic cleaning (bathrooms, vaccuming(sp?), dusting, mopping, etc.) every week...sometimes every other week, but this "Spring Cleaning" is rough! I want to know who does this every year? :huh:

    Once I get the kitchen perfectly clean and organized, I'm going to move on to the next room. My goal is to have my house completely cleaned and organized before work starts back up in August.

  • #2
    The people we bought the house from hired a maid to come through and completely scrub down the refrigerator, etc. before we moved in. Since then, we've had nothing but work done in and outside the house.

    Once I see the final coat of whatever they put down on the street, I plan on doing a major scrub down. and the joy of a new bathroom is that really, all I need to do is clean the tub and wipe down the fixtures. I do need to do the windows and mirrors but the dust that keeps coming in makes it seem kind of silly to do too much. I've been keeping up with vacuuming but that due to pet fur.

    I guess if I were not living in a construction zone, I'd probably do the refrigerator every few months (remember I have a 3yo who likes to help himself to stuff- sticky fingers and all)

    The cabinets- depends- not intentionally but if something spills or if we have an infestation of something then I'll clean.



    • #3
      I only do the fridge when it looks dirty
      Mom to three wild women.


      • #4
        Wash as I go person. Every few weeks I'll clear out and wash down a shelf and the walls, clear out old leftovers and look for odd things the kids might have put in the fridge. I have only defrosted and fully cleaned when moving.

        I'm sure your kitchen will be amazing after so much effort.


        • #5
          I know you're all on the edge of your seats wondering how the Summer Cleaning is going here. ...So every area in the kitchen is now completely spotless.
          Today, I tackled the bathroom...cleaned out the cabinets under the sinks, scrubbed down the walls, cleaned the light fixtures and then did the weekly cleaning of the sinks, bath, toilet. I even cleaned the INSIDE OF THE TOILET BRUSH HOLDER! Now that room is just as spotless and organized as the kitchen.
          I still have quite a few more rooms to organize and completely clean...but I'm running out of energy. My poor achy body! I might have to take a few days off before I tackle the bedrooms or living room.

