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    hummingbirds! they're so cool. (show some love, bird haters!!!)

    they are attracted to some type of flower in my beds...and they're buzzing around like crazy. in our office, we have a window that takes up the whole wall. it faces the flower bed. i think we should get a hummingbird feeder. i know the cats would enjoy looking out.
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

  • #2
    How fun! Kitty TV.


    • #3
      I LOVE hummingbirds, unfortunately I haven't been able to attract them here in Minnesota. I see other neighbors with feeders but they don't seem to like mine. We had them in CA and my parents have TONS in KS.

      I saw one in the tree by my feeder the other day but they're definitely not drinking what is in my feeder. :huh:
      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


      • #4
        I align with Jenn Hussey on the bird front. Sorry!

        I'm glad you're enjoying them, tho.


        • #5
          Ahh, hummingbirds. They are so pretty, so neat to watch flit around, and the meanest, most territorial, nasty little buggers ever. We had feeders for years so I've had the chance to see hummingbird behavior up close. I love to watch them individually. They are not nice to each other!!


          • #6
            and the meanest, most territorial, nasty little buggers ever.
            oh no...that would be the fricken fracken blue jays especially the ones I encountered growing up They would attack us everytime we walked out our front door, because they had built a nest in the crabapple tree of of our porch.

            We have hummingbirds all over...I am partial to the Quails & their babies that have taken up residence on our property.


            • #7
              ....and rattlesnakes!
              ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


              • #8
                Originally posted by Pollyanna
                Originally posted by pinkpickles
                .I am partial to the Quails & their babies that have taken up residence on our property.
                I love the quail families. It is so fun to see them cross the street with mommy up front and daddy behind 10 or more babies.

                And you people thought we only had mountain lions and scorpions.
                I love the quail too, about the only critter (bird or otherwise) that I have seen here that we would also see in Canada. We have hummingbirds too, but the ones I see here are different to the ones I have seen up north.

                I like birds except the winged rodents: pigeons, crows and magpies!

