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I made it a 6 weeks

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  • I made it a 6 weeks

    I have paint swatches on the walls. I can't take it! *wiping hand on brow*

    I don't know when we will actually paint but seeing the swatches makes me feel a little better. We have to get some other stuff sorted out first. I want to start with the upstairs. The windows probably need to be replaced. If we paint first, we'll just skip the windows and do those when we replace them later.

    I love Benjamin Moore. I'm starting to recognize color names a little to well.

    I'm leaning toward Wales Green for DD's room -- or whatever the Wales color was that DCJenn did in her last dining (living?) room. I picked it out and thought....hey, that name is familiar. Same for some of the colors I did in MILs house before we sold it. I never saw those but DH said they looked nice.

    I love paint!

  • #2
    Painting is a fabulous way to make a room look fresh IMO. Of course I've been trying to decide what color to paint my bedroom for three years!

    Good for you!
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      links baby, I need links! I'm a paint whore. I'm starting to itch to repaint my kitchen again ... I'm hoping if I ignore it it will just go away b/c it will cause much friction between dh and I.


      • #4
        Benjamin Moore

        Wales Green
        Palladian Blue (Jenn, you helped me find the wyeth blue on that swatch for MILs den, remember?)
        Windmill --- something I'll go get it. I like that whole swatch
        California Lilac -- the whole swatch. I've been after that color since seeing it in a magazine 3 years ago. I'm a paint addict.

        Chocolate sundae -- possibility for part of Anna's room. I told her it was chocolate and not brown and now she wants it on her walls. With Paris Romance, I think.

        I'm going to go pick up more samples today and then I'll post those names.


        • #5
          Here is a photo of the California Lilac:

          I love this house (from the magazine article):

          Unfortunately, I loaned the magazine to a friend who has been out of town so I can't get the bedroom and living room color. I think the living room is too much for DH anyway.


          • #6
            Re: I made it a 6 weeks

            Take two. I tried to post this yesterday and my computer froze up. Maybe it is as sick of the paint saga as my husband.

            All colors are Benjamin Moore so you paint whores can look 'em up. One is Devine but I think I'll match it with Benjamin Moore paint.

            Anna: Paris Romance (1262)
            Evie: Dusk to Dawn (1446)

            Bryn's room is up in the air. She wants the Wales Green but I think it is too stimulating. Have to keep in mind this is a kid who has a hard time sleeping. Maybe a bright green room isn't the best idea? And the color is too bright, too pure to match with the other kids' rooms. I'm having a hard time finding a rich soft green that will sorta match.
            Current options: Castleton Mist (HC-1), Mellowed Ivory (2149-50). Other possibilities -- Rainforest Dew (2146-50), pale sea mist (2147-50), Beacon Hill Damask (HC-2). Or go down a color or two on the Wales Green swatch which won't really flow with the other two but won't be as bright.

            Hallway: Vapor (AF-35) with white trim and ceilings in all rooms, probably Restoration Hardware Right White. My friend put this up in her house, I like it and I won't torture the family with the white trim color options.

            Master Bedroom....after an embarassing number of samples, I think I've got it with Croquet (AF-455). It is very similar to Devine Manzanita.

            We had Beacon Hill Damask in our bedroom in our last house. We wanted to do something "different" and not use the same color schemes as before, esp the straw color we had in our living room. But, we must have liked it for a reason, you know? I think we might use the straw and a pumpkin color in the living room...eventually.


            • #7
              Re: I made it a 6 weeks

              Benjamin Moore's site ticks me off. I can't get to the place where I can just enter style numbers and find your paints!


              • #8
                Re: I made it a 6 weeks

                I know, and the paint colors often look blah.

       ... el=fh_home

                I don't like the room choices for viewing a color. Maybe I should try to upload my own digital photo. And I don't think the "AF" colors show in the personal color viewer. Let me see if there is another way to find them. Here:


                I was also thinking of Flora (AF-470) but I think DH will flip if I put another color in the bedroom. :run: Here is Flora, choose the "spiced" inspiration ( ). I think it will be too dark.

                The Devine site is even more annoying. I don't like how she has her colors organized and that you have to buy chips. The site isn't very easy to use.

                This might show Manzanita. If you're lucky.


                • #9
                  Re: I made it a 6 weeks

                  We hired a painter! Yessssss! The wall colors are going to change and no more of these dingy and nasty walls.

                  The latest is Manchester Tan on the hallway, down the stairs and to the entry. Resoration Hardware Right White for the trim but I will match the color in Benjamin Moore paint.

                  I should go take some before photos and show my paint sample fascination.


                  • #10
                    Re: I made it a 6 weeks

                    Chesterfield Tan, perhaps?

                    I have a nice selection of warm brown/gold samples upstairs. :>

                    DH is doing the family room this weekend -- Benjamin Moore camouflage. But not the trim right now. When we eventually do all of the downstairs we will hire a painter for the trim.

                    Paint, Lily! That will be a nice color match with the cabinets and granite.


                    • #11
                      Re: I made it a 6 weeks


                      YOU know I'm partial to the Wales green but there was a reason I had to cut it w/ that light violet and the orange accent. WAY too much on four walls. Would you consider one wall of the Wales and then go to the last color on that palette which is Seahorse. I did the trim and the ceiling in the seahorse and depending on the light it looked white, yellow, green or cream.


                      and you've seen my house- I'm covered in paint splotches. Oh well, I'll live vicariously.


                      • #12
                        Re: I made it a 6 weeks

                        Jenn, I think I could name some of your paint splotches.


                        • #13
                          Re: I made it a 6 weeks

                          I know, it's scary. I can walk into other people's houses and think- oh, that's BM's Vanilla Ice Cream.

                          I can't wait to see it all when you're done.

                          I'm rethinking my yellow scheme. That's what happens when you move in December and are freezing. I needed warm colors. Now? I need to rethink the whole thing.



                          • #14
                            Re: I made it a 6 weeks

                            Chestertown buff, that is what I was thinking of. The bedroom photo I posted above is that color. That or the Dorset Gold on the same swatch. I'm considering that for our living room. Or...a nice brown. I'm really on a brown kick. I want to do a dark brown under the chair rail of the dining room. I was thinking of a pink-ish shade above but then DH started whining, something about testicular retraction or something. :huh: Probably a Martha Stewart type blue above the chair rail. I'm still working on that one.


                            • #15
                              Re: I made it a 6 weeks

                              what is his problem???

