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  • Greenhouse

    Does anyone have one? Or had one and know what to recommend? Since we moved, we realized that all our plants will not survive the winter in our new city. I need a greenhouse that can stand high winds and possible snow. The ones I have seen are at least $1,000 for a 6X8 - almost $2,000 for a larger one. I love my plants...I have had some for almost 9 yrs. Putting them in the garage will not work in this house so the greenhouse is my best bet. However, I did not realize it would cost so much.

    BYW - we are DIY challenged. So, we will need some sort of kit.

    Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!

  • #2
    Re: Greenhouse

    We had one at our old house. It was an old relic made of opaque fiberglass siding, and was fairly large. It had an exhaust fan, but no heat. I have a fair amount of tropicals ( plumeria, meyer lemon, lots of palms), but even though it doesnt get below freezing very often, I couldnt keep them in there bc it didnt hold the heat. In the summer it was like 120degrees in there, but in the winter after dark, not too warm. The previous owner used space heaters but i just brought mine inside. I think the smaller the better and the clearer the roof ( to let in the sun) the better. The previous owner was a major gardener and the big size was useful for him, but it was too big for us to afford to heat.
    Mom to three wild women.


    • #3
      Re: Greenhouse

      I'm sorry - I forgot where you are. If you want to go cheaper than a greenhouse you might just want to put up a hoophouse - can be as small as waist high, or really large. Basically just curved flexible PVC tubing with plastic sheeting stretched over it.
      We had some really large ones we were experimenting with at my last job, and managed to grow vegetables through most of the winter (the rate limiting factor eventually becomes the hours of light per day, not the temperature).
      But this guy in Maine showed that even with very small hoop houses he could grow green through much of the winter, as long as he brushed the snow off occasionally.
      Google hoop houses or hoophouses and you'll get lots of ideas.
      some links: ... nhouse.pdf ... eb1825.pdf
      Enabler of DW and 5 kids
      Let's go Mets!


      • #4
        Re: Greenhouse

        Originally posted by Cumberland
        I think the smaller the better and the clearer the roof ( to let in the sun) the better. The previous owner was a major gardener and the big size was useful for him, but it was too big for us to afford to heat.
        Good point. Then I'll have to pay extra to heat the place.
        Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!

