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new windows

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  • new windows

    We have new windows on the upstairs floor of our house. :wee: It is SO much warmer. I can't believe the difference -- they still have to do a little finish work and caulking.

    There is one window on the north side of our garage, under a cedar tree, that showed some dry rot on inspection. I had them replace that with a vinyl window. Well....the dry rot goes through the frame, possibly to the siding. I should just be glad they found it before it got worse.

  • #2
    Re: new windows

    Nellie, I love my new windows too, they are making a huge difference.

    Congrats on yours!
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      Re: new windows

      Congratulations on your windows! Are they double-paned? I guess that's more common out here where it gets really cold in the winter.

      You have to be really vigilant about the north-facing walls and windows. Good that you caught this earlier than later!
      married to an anesthesia attending


      • #4
        Re: new windows

        I am SO glad we are getting that window replaced. We had planned on doing just that window. Then one of the painters giving us a quote asked if we were considering replacing the windows. Because they are a six pane over six (colonial style) they are a PITA to mask and tape. She suggested getting the windows replaced because the labor cost of putting in new windows is about the same as painting (labor cost, not window cost!).

        The cost factor of not painting twice coupled with the safety factor just made sense. The windows are double hung and old and sticky. So just when you get the bottom one to budge, the top one comes flying down -- a good way to lose a fingertip.

        The windows are primed and have the protective plastic which makes it easier for the painters to paint. They are wood and double-pane. I think our bedroom is at least 5 degrees warmer. No more haggling over who has to get in bed first.

        I'll go take an after. I should have a before to match it up with.

        Now I want to do the downstairs windows too!


        • #5
          Re: new windows


          Definitely post some pictures. I'd love new windows but they're lower on the list. (although maybe I could justify the expense w/ the decreased heating/cooling costs)

          Let us know if it makes a difference in the utility costs!



          • #6
            Re: new windows

            It has to make a difference though I am not sure how much. There isn't a separate heating "zone" for the upstairs but it should still help overall. We don't have A/C and our house stayed pretty cool last summer because of all the deciduous trees behind us. I think the windows will mean that we definitely don't do a/c.


            • #7
              Re: new windows



              • #8
                Re: new windows

                Here are some photos. Since the windows are a similar style and still need to be painted, you can't tell a huge difference. You might detect my paint swatch obsession.

                We also fixed up the half-ass job of recessed lighting and added lights to the closets. It made such a difference and the rooms don't seem dreary anymore. Yeah! I didn't make the beds or clean up for you all. It is a work in progress.

                New railing, old non-matching banged up rail is gone (to be painted).

                DD2 before (there is the Paris Romance paint swatch on those nasty nasty walls):


                dd1 before:

                dd1 after (someone should teach that child to make her bed):

                dd3 before:


                Master before:

                after (oops, those don't totally match up):


                • #9
                  Re: new windows

                  I just love how long you've lived with your paint swatches. Crack me up!

                  Nice pictures! New camera?


                  • #10
                    Re: new windows

                    And you can't see the swatches in the hallway, stairway, or family room. :guilty:

                    I know! I've had some of those up since August. Turns out professional painting is some serious cashola.

                    Yes, new camera. Nice, huh?

