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Does anyone have a grill they just LOVE?

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  • Does anyone have a grill they just LOVE?

    DH got a nice bonus / raise, so I thought I'd surprise him w/an early father's day gift and get him a new grill. We've both hated our old one for quite some time.

    We're looking for propane (neither of us have the patience for charcoal). Not interested in side burners - but most seem to have them these days. I'd love one that allows you to add wood for flavor - but it's not a necessity.

    I'd like to stay around $500 (or less). DH is not good enough about maintenance and the like to shell out for one of the really pricey ones.


  • #2
    Re: Does anyone have a grill they just LOVE?

    We have a Weber Grill. It's awesome and durable! We've had two Char Broil grills before (which I think is either the Home Depot or Lowes store brand) and the quality in the Weber is sooooo much better. The Char Broil grills didn't last long at all!

    IMO, when getting a grill go for good quality it will pay off in the end. We discovered this the hard way.
    Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.

