Anyone care to post pics of their kids rooms? It sounds like a lot of people at this site have creative, very cute kids rooms!
PLEASE SHARE!!! I'd love to see what you've done!
I'm on our desktop right now and our laptop has all the good pics -- but has been a bit wacko with loading pictures lately. I'll wrestle with it later today and post some of mine...
Here's half of DD's room. The other side has her closet door, a small table and you can see her dollhouse better.

Here's half of DS's room. He has a small floor chair in front of one of the windows, a closet door and lots of room to play. I LOVE his carpet.
We also need a mattress for his top bunk. When we moved he was barely two so when baby #3 comes, he gets to choose where he sleeps at night and the ladder comes out. He's a bit of a daredevil but he'll be almost four when baby comes so we'll see how it goes. 

Finally here is 25% of the playroom. I can't get it to turn so I'm sorry for the crick in your neck!
PLEASE SHARE!!! I'd love to see what you've done!
I'm on our desktop right now and our laptop has all the good pics -- but has been a bit wacko with loading pictures lately. I'll wrestle with it later today and post some of mine...
Here's half of DD's room. The other side has her closet door, a small table and you can see her dollhouse better.

Here's half of DS's room. He has a small floor chair in front of one of the windows, a closet door and lots of room to play. I LOVE his carpet.

Finally here is 25% of the playroom. I can't get it to turn so I'm sorry for the crick in your neck!
