a new lawn mower blade for the craftsman mower...$13.00
a new tire for the GMC Jimmy.....$85.00
a happy wife because the husband finally mowed our getto looking lawn after 3 weeks...priceless.
money saved...$98.00 why?? because about three weeks ago dh ran over an object totally screwing the blade. i begged him to look at it..."can't you just pound it out??"
so, he tried and tried...then got the genius idea to run it over with the car. i thought, no. no. no. no. not a good idea. so, he took a carpet remnant, put it ontop of the blade and then ran it over a few times. presto! good enough to mow the lawn.
(and can i say....how annoyed it makes me that when we had acres that needed to be mowed with a push mower, non self-propelled...that I HAD TO DO IT. but now that we're moved and have a postage stamp sized yard, (said in big manly voice) "i'll take care of the lawn now")
thanks. dork.
a new tire for the GMC Jimmy.....$85.00
a happy wife because the husband finally mowed our getto looking lawn after 3 weeks...priceless.
money saved...$98.00 why?? because about three weeks ago dh ran over an object totally screwing the blade. i begged him to look at it..."can't you just pound it out??"
so, he tried and tried...then got the genius idea to run it over with the car. i thought, no. no. no. no. not a good idea. so, he took a carpet remnant, put it ontop of the blade and then ran it over a few times. presto! good enough to mow the lawn.

(and can i say....how annoyed it makes me that when we had acres that needed to be mowed with a push mower, non self-propelled...that I HAD TO DO IT. but now that we're moved and have a postage stamp sized yard, (said in big manly voice) "i'll take care of the lawn now")
thanks. dork.
