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Don't try this at home

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  • Don't try this at home

    Yesterday, I was putting groceries away and thought I'd save time by opening both the freezer door (on top) and the regular refrigerator door. So I was kneeling down while putting things away in refrigerator, and got up and hit my head HARD on the bottom of the freezer door. I wasn't seeing stars, but it was pretty darn close. My head is so sore!

    So, yeah, the point of this all is if you do this, keep an eye on that top door.
    married to an anesthesia attending

  • #2
    Re: Don't try this at home


    I've done similar things. It's the whole "I feel so stupid for doing that" that's the worst part, for me. I hope you head's feeling better soon!
    Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


    • #3
      Re: Don't try this at home

      Ouch, you have my symapthy. I'm the *queen* of dipsh** accidents like this. I'm always trying to get three things done at once and I end up doing things like walking into doors, poles, etcetera. I'm a little person, so I don't do that much damage with my lack of body space awareness, but if I was a big guy, I'd probably have done some major property damage by now. Clutz doesn't even begin to describe it.

      I hope you heal soon.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        Re: Don't try this at home

        The fridge and I don't get along either. I hate the models with freezer on top because I constantly bump my head.


        • #5
          Re: Don't try this at home

          Too late for the warning, I've done that before too. I think I'm probably a big contender for World's Biggest Klutz, DH is always making fun of me for my pratfalls.

          -Wife of urology attending.
          -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


          • #6
            Re: Don't try this at home

            I think my parents signed me up for ballet for a reason. My head's still a little sore. I once needed stitches on my head to close up a big gash I got in elementary school (a metal grate fell on me). I have a soft spot on my head where I got the stitches, and I got nailed by the freezer door right next to it.

            My dh gave me a bottle of chilled Warsteiner to cool my head down...
            married to an anesthesia attending


            • #7
              Re: Don't try this at home

              I closed the car door on my own arm once...on the arm that was closing the door actually. Do this day my dh and I can't quite figure out how this is physically possible, but leave it to me to find a way!

              Nothing tops my dad's story. He ran over himself...with his own car...not just a toe, mind you. His whole torso! He lived to tell the tale though.

              Oh, and my mom. We call her Tippy Tapley. She fell flat on her face once and knocked out a tooth. On a first date.

              Whenever I have a clutzy day I take solace in the fact that I must come by it honestly.


              • #8
                Re: Don't try this at home

                Originally posted by Kymalu

                Nothing tops my dad's story. He ran over himself...with his own car...not just a toe, mind you. His whole torso! He lived to tell the tale though.
                My dad ran himself over with a bulldozer. Thankfully the ground was soft, and he stayed conscious and was able to talk his wife through backing it off of him.


                • #9
                  Re: Don't try this at home

                  Originally posted by Jane
                  Originally posted by Kymalu

                  Nothing tops my dad's story. He ran over himself...with his own car...not just a toe, mind you. His whole torso! He lived to tell the tale though.
                  My dad ran himself over with a bulldozer. Thankfully the ground was soft, and he stayed conscious and was able to talk his wife through backing it off of him.
                  Ok. LOL. You are the first person who's topped that one. Was your dad ok?


                  • #10
                    Re: Don't try this at home

                    yeah. he messed up his leg really badly and if not for his wife being there and a cell phone (this happened back in the late '80's or early '90's), would have bled to death for sure. he'd been driving it and hit something that was solid enough to stop a bulldozer. rather than thinking "gee - that must be really solid" he thought "if I back up and go at it faster, i'll make it over." Instead he hit it w/such force that the bulldozer threw him, and THEN made it over whatever the object was. his leg got hooked on the teeth of the tracks, and that's where his biggest damage occurred.

                    don't feel too bad though - he also lost the top part of a finger because he PUT IT IN A CHIPPER SHREDDER. he's such a dolt.

