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Greenhouses and gardens

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  • Greenhouses and gardens

    Because I don't have enough on my plate... :P

    Now that we'll finally be in our "permanant" (I put that in quotes because who really knows) home, I want to fulfill my dream of having a greenhouse as well as gardens for both veggies and a bird & butterfly garden for Mari. Any suggestions for getting started? ie informative websites, books, etc? I've gotten started with ideas for Mari's garden but am still pretty clueless about growing veggies and know nothing about greenhouses except that I want one.

    I'll wait and ask about growing fruits & nuts later. One thing at a time...

  • #2
    Re: Greenhouses and gardens

    Gardenweb? I've noticed that people on the home site make references to the garden site not being as friendly. :huh:

    Maybe a trip to the bookstore or library would help. I think that books about your local growing area are much more helpful than general books. I wonder if Cornell offers some community classes? I think they have a strong ag/horticulture dept, right?

    I would love to have a coldframe to grow lettuce and other veggies year round.


    • #3
      Re: Greenhouses and gardens

      Cornell's got a great Master Gardener program, but the require that you volunteer your services to the community after you finish. I'm not opposed to doing that, but I'll consider myself lucky if I get my own garden going. I can't believe I forgot about the garden side of garden web. Duh! I'll check it out. I've gotten some landscaping books for the Northeast which were helpful, I just feel overwhelmed by the gardening stuff. Perhaps because my first veggie venture resulted in some yucky veggies.

      It would be nice to have your own produce year-round, wouldn't it? I like knowing where my food comes from.

      ETA: How did your blueberries do with being transplanted?


      • #4
        Re: Greenhouses and gardens

        it would be nice if the community service was teaching a gardening class in your area.

        Do you have deer? It is nice to know where your produce comes from and to grow some of your own. I notice the kids eat more of what we grow or pick or get from the neighbor.

        The blueberries seem to be ok. I forgot to water them this summer. They were looking a little crispy in mid-August. I might have lost one but the other two should pull through. The neighbors have prolific blueberry shrubs so I can always go over there. It is nice to have our own. This summer I vow to be more on top of picking and freezing fresh fruits and veggies. I would like to get a small freezer for the garage to store that stuff.


        • #5
          Re: Greenhouses and gardens

          My dad has a greenhouse -- although he's not the helpful sort, I just felt the need to chime in.

          I also wanted to say that I love the idea of a garden for Mari -- truly lovely. I know it will be a special place for you. Excellent idea, Chris.


          • #6
            Re: Greenhouses and gardens

            I agree, I love the idea of planting a garden for Mari.

            Here is the vege book I was thinking of. I really liked it and did grow an amazing amount of stuff on my community garden plot. It is How to Grow More Veggies by John Jeavons and is very approachable, IMO.

   ... item-added


            • #7
              Re: Greenhouses and gardens

              I,too, want a greenhouse. I do not have much advice other than to say prepapre forthe sticker shock. It is very windy here so I need a sturdy can withstand high winds and also snow in winter. For the 6' X 8', we are talking around $3,000 - not including running electricity, shelving, heaters, etc. Our house needs other stuff - so for now it is on the back burner. DH and I are not handy, so this is not an option for us - but I was told that you could probably get one for half the price if you build your own.
              Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!

