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Leak in the garage roof

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  • Leak in the garage roof

    Ok, so at least it is the garage and not the house (but I better go check things out).

    DH called a bit ago to tell me that he noticed a huge leak in the garage when he left this morning. Huge? Surely he exaggerates. I go to look and it is...kind of huge. Then he tells me there is probably a build-up of water above the ceiling and that I (who me?) should take a broom stick and bucket and try to free it. I think I need another cup of coffee before I try that.

    So...who do you call? Roofer? Handyman? We have done all sorts of home repairs but the roof isn't one of them. I'm assuming it can just be patched somehow.

  • #2
    I dunno. My dad usually takes care of the leaks...

    You should wait until it stops raining (I assume it's raining), and for now just contain the area and the mess as best you can with buckets.

    Then, you can start the patch process. I'd call a handyman first. I think they'll be more reasonable than a roofer (as far as price is concerned) if you're not as concerned about aesthetics...
    married to an anesthesia attending


    • #3
      I'm not worried about aesthetics, just a fix. We have an older shake shingle roof that will need to be replaced in 3-5 years. The space between the garage ceiling and roof is just attic so I'm not worried about that.

      So wait until it stops raining? Maybe I'll just stick a bucket under there in case the ceiling falls apart in that spot. It is getting kind of bulge-y.

      I think there should be a corollary rule to "whoever smelt it, dealt it". Something about "whoever spots it should change out of work clothes, find the broom and bucket and just take care of it".


      • #4
        I like your rule. I don't know if I think you should go poking around. What if it brings down a larger piece of ceiling ... like the part over your HEAD??


        • #5
          We've had a couple other rain storms lately and no leak. DH has has been working on the garage, though not this part of the ceiling, and we haven't noticed it. I hope it is new. I'm pretty sure he has been in the attic recently and it was dry.

          Off to search for a big bucket...


          • #6
            Stick a bucket under it, but do make sure that while it's still raining, you find where exactly it's leaking.

            You won't be able to find where it's leaking unless it's raining (or artificially pour water all over the roof ). There are ways to stop the leaking from below, but I think it is easier to wait until it's dry and you can poke, prod, and patch the hole. It's usually a small hole or crack.
            married to an anesthesia attending


            • #7
              Or just call a handyman!!!
              married to an anesthesia attending


              • #8
                I would recommend a roofer. A handyman is fine but if you need a roofer in the end you will end up paying twice. Also, you could have the roofer check for other potential problems, always good to have them do an inspection while they are already up there.
                Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.

