Here are my tips-
ALL bills are epaid- and ebilled. That right there eliminated a huge pressure- and on the rare chance that a bill does come to the house, it is dealt with immediately- entered into the computer and bam- done.
I also have all of the statements sent online- bank statements, mortgage statements, car payments. I auto archive all of my bank statements and just about anything else. I print nothing.
For the the mail that does come, 99% of it goes into the recycling bin before it even goes into the house. The 800 neurology journals get stacked up next to his desk and he can do whatever he wants with them. He no longer prints articles, either.
Nikolai keep his toys in his room ONLY. When he pays the mortgage, he can have more than one room.
Laundry- the cleaning lady does it- I do my gentle load in the am before she comes because otherwise they're tossed in with everything else. She also puts things away. That alone makes her worth the $.
When I cook, I clean as I go. I'm completely AR about it, in fact.
Clothes get a once-over every season. If they're worn out, haven't been worn, or in the case of the kiddo, outgrown, then they're donated.
Lawncare and pool care I jettisoned when Rick was deployed and kept them on and since he's heading back to DC, it's just as well.
I'd rather eat mac and cheese and still be able to pay the pool guy.
ALL bills are epaid- and ebilled. That right there eliminated a huge pressure- and on the rare chance that a bill does come to the house, it is dealt with immediately- entered into the computer and bam- done.
I also have all of the statements sent online- bank statements, mortgage statements, car payments. I auto archive all of my bank statements and just about anything else. I print nothing.
For the the mail that does come, 99% of it goes into the recycling bin before it even goes into the house. The 800 neurology journals get stacked up next to his desk and he can do whatever he wants with them. He no longer prints articles, either.
Nikolai keep his toys in his room ONLY. When he pays the mortgage, he can have more than one room.
Laundry- the cleaning lady does it- I do my gentle load in the am before she comes because otherwise they're tossed in with everything else. She also puts things away. That alone makes her worth the $.
When I cook, I clean as I go. I'm completely AR about it, in fact.
Clothes get a once-over every season. If they're worn out, haven't been worn, or in the case of the kiddo, outgrown, then they're donated.
Lawncare and pool care I jettisoned when Rick was deployed and kept them on and since he's heading back to DC, it's just as well.
I'd rather eat mac and cheese and still be able to pay the pool guy.