How do you go about decorating? Do you
A. look through magazines and replicate or
B. were you born with that ability to pull things together and make something out of nothing or
C. Have a degree in interior design
D. Don't care about decorating...who has the time?
I ask because I have been struggling with our house since we moved. It is no mansion but it is waaay bigger than our homes while in training. In addition, I find that I now really struggle with buying items for the house. Before, DH and I did not spend much on items because our homes were not permanent and as such we bought temporary furniture/decor etc. Now I want heirloom pieces and I am always second guessing myself as to whether or not this is "the right" purchase. DH helps some but admits that he does not have strong feelings about the stuff most of the time. I am so design challenged that I sought help. I have brought 3 interior designers in and all three have not quite worked out. I think the first heard dawkter and thought that meantt loads of money (ha!), the second, never got the fact that we live with our big dogs and no, I will not crate them all day even when I am in the house, the third does not like the few things I loved so much that I actually bought and brought home. I am so frustrated. I am the kind of person that buys something because I love it. It may be ugly to everyone else but I will love it for-ever. Hence, I am not into whatever in trendy right now. I still love everything that I picked out for our wedding registry 1 fellowship, 2 residencies and 1 medical school ago.
How do you do it? Decorate your home? Got any tips for the interior design challenged/hanging pictures on the wall anxious/not very crafty much less do it yourself-er???
A. look through magazines and replicate or
B. were you born with that ability to pull things together and make something out of nothing or
C. Have a degree in interior design
D. Don't care about decorating...who has the time?
I ask because I have been struggling with our house since we moved. It is no mansion but it is waaay bigger than our homes while in training. In addition, I find that I now really struggle with buying items for the house. Before, DH and I did not spend much on items because our homes were not permanent and as such we bought temporary furniture/decor etc. Now I want heirloom pieces and I am always second guessing myself as to whether or not this is "the right" purchase. DH helps some but admits that he does not have strong feelings about the stuff most of the time. I am so design challenged that I sought help. I have brought 3 interior designers in and all three have not quite worked out. I think the first heard dawkter and thought that meantt loads of money (ha!), the second, never got the fact that we live with our big dogs and no, I will not crate them all day even when I am in the house, the third does not like the few things I loved so much that I actually bought and brought home. I am so frustrated. I am the kind of person that buys something because I love it. It may be ugly to everyone else but I will love it for-ever. Hence, I am not into whatever in trendy right now. I still love everything that I picked out for our wedding registry 1 fellowship, 2 residencies and 1 medical school ago.

How do you do it? Decorate your home? Got any tips for the interior design challenged/hanging pictures on the wall anxious/not very crafty much less do it yourself-er???