Huge. Around 22' long if memory serves. Our basement is finished, and the only solid wall (w/o a door or some kind of opening) runs down the left side of the basement. The huge TV is now mounted at one end, and the door to dh's office is at the other. The room is divided by the sofa (facing the TV, obviously), and the area behind it is kid's playland. We used to have one of those giant world maps hanging on it (and it barely took up any space), but I never really worried about decorating it b/c the basement was all playroom. Now that it's our family room (and the map is down, it had some tears), I want to hang pictures.
My idea was to get large prints of some of my best photographs from our trip to Europe and frame them, but a straight line would be ridiculous, and groupings are tough b/c the room really is split in half.
My idea was to get large prints of some of my best photographs from our trip to Europe and frame them, but a straight line would be ridiculous, and groupings are tough b/c the room really is split in half.