Originally posted by BonBon
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Originally posted by SoonerTexan
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To be honest, we haven't even seen the house in person yet. It's the best one on the market, in terms of meeting our list of top priority items. We're scheduling a house-hunting trip in the next few months (if all goes well with DH's contract negotiations next week). I keep hoping something similar will show up, but with better structural lines for the great room (like vaulted ceilings). With this house, I'd really just want to redo everything except the wood floor - more interesting cabinets, definitely different range hood & island/bar front, maybe even different fireplace stones. That's a lot of things not to like about a room. But in a small community, there aren't many houses that have all the higher priority items on our wish list. This one really is a nice house in many ways, and I think if we would spend the money to make this room better, I wouldn't mind the lack of interesting lines so much. Now, I wonder how much that interior decorator charges... I think I'm starting to see how people are shocked with the expenses the first couple years of attendinghood!