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and now... crayon in the dryer!

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  • and now... crayon in the dryer!

    As if the flushed diapers weren't enough to deal with in one week - now I have to figure out how to get crayon out of the dryer!

    DH went to switch his scrubs to the dryer last night, and he came back with a bunch of hangers (to hang dry them) because he said the load in the dryer had melted crayon all over! Seriously.

    I'm going to try running the dryer for 10 mins and then wipe with Clorox wipes. For the clothes, I'm hoping hot water & oxyclean will work. Fortunately, there wasn't much in that load that matters, but the crayon in the dryer could ruin other clothes.

    We've never had a week this bad before. When do they start having some SHRED of common sense? Where we live it's too rocky to send them outside to play. Oh for a fenced, grassy yard.
    Last edited by Deb7456; 08-31-2010, 07:45 AM.

  • #2
    Oh no, you are having an "exciting" week. Hang in there.
    Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


    • #3
      When do they start having some SHRED of common sense?
      Around age 22, seriously. I'm sorry you are having such a tough week.
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        Like everyone else said in the other thread, this will be funny... someday. These are really great stories to tell once they start dating.

        I'm sorry you're having such a tough week.
        IM PGY-2


        • #5
          We had that happen and I just ran a bunch of old towels in the dryer to 'soak' up all of the crayon ick.



          • #6

            Writing implements mysteriously making their way into the dryer is the bane of my existence. DH is the biggest offender so maybe 22 is a tad optimistic.


            • #7
              I'm sorry to hear about the stressful week... I agree with diggitydot, we don't have kids yet and there is ALWAYS weird stuff that ends up in the dryer and it's clearly not my fault. My very biggest pet peeve is when he leaves fish oil supplements in his pockets... This will just about destroy an entire load. I have to rewash in HOT water at least 5 times to get the smell out and there are certain things (like my workout clothes) that will never be the same again. The fish smell is sooooooo disgusting it makes me gag.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mrs.BrainSurgeon View Post
                I'm sorry to hear about the stressful week... I agree with diggitydot, we don't have kids yet and there is ALWAYS weird stuff that ends up in the dryer and it's clearly not my fault. My very biggest pet peeve is when he leaves fish oil supplements in his pockets... This will just about destroy an entire load. I have to rewash in HOT water at least 5 times to get the smell out and there are certain things (like my workout clothes) that will never be the same again. The fish smell is sooooooo disgusting it makes me gag.
                Just what the heck is he doing with vitamins floating around in his pocket? It boggles the mind.


                • #9
                  Hijack - re: fish oil supplements. Maybe he should switch to flaxseed pills - less stinky the next time he leaves them in his pockets and they get laundered.
                  Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


                  • #10
                    Oh my gosh, you guys CRACK ME UP!!
                    The dryer is still discolored, but it's not getting crayon on any of the clothes anymore. Most, but not all, of the crayon came out of the clothes with oxyclean. I'm SO glad it wasn't a load of whites or nice clothes.
                    DH is obsessed with fish oil right now. He's doing a study on DHA and omega-3s or something along those lines. He frequently brings home sardines () as a snack for us all. I know it's great, but wow, does it stink.

