Our apartment's insulation is crazy, and we get a lot of direct light. We have only turned the heat on a couple times this winter when it got down in the teens outside, but without heat generally our inside temp stays around 74.
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How cold/warm is your house?
Originally posted by ladymoreta View PostWe keep ours around 70-72 year round. We pay out the nose in the summer, but it's comfortable.
Honestly, I dont know how much I trust my thermometer reading. We live in a brick house (from 1906) and that thermometer is all over the place. I turn it up, DH turns it down... we go back and forth. The bill is higher in the winter, lower in the summer. I dunno.Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.
Sadly, my heater SUCKS, so there are really only two options: ON and OFF. OFF makes my apartment about 60-63 in the winter. ON makes it 69, which is way too warm for me. I also HATE having warm air blowing on me, so I try to keep it off as much as possible. Plus, my apartment is unbelievably inefficient, so when it's on, I'm basically throwing my money out the window.I'm just trying to make it out alive!
During the winter, 70 in the morning (6AM - 8AM) and in the evening (5PM - 10PM), 65 in the middle of the day, and 63 at night. I think 63 is way too cold, but we have a fan in our bedroom (which is on the third floor) and a down comforter, so it feels pretty good in there. I even feel cold at 70 sometimes, but part of that is the Reynaud's and having lived for 4 years in a dorm that was 80 degrees from October-April.
In the summer, which seems so very long ago, I believe it is 70 in the morning and in the evening, 76 during the day and 73 at night. In the summer, the fan is in high gear and the down comforter is in storage. I usually don't feel hot in here during the summer, except for when our AC died over 4th of July weekend and it was 105 outside. This place is pretty well insulated, but the windows have some bad seals in a few locations. These also allow the stink bugs to come in, but I'll save thoughts about those suckers for another post.Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending