We need more bed sheets. I don't want to spend a ton and I hate sateen unless the thread count is really high, which is usually prohibitively expensive. Over the past several years I have purchased about six sheet sets- some off overstock some from macy's onsale. However the same thing happesn to each set. The fitted sheet tears in some place and I'm left with a top sheet only. Our latest set that my mom gave me in July just wore through in a spot to create a large hole. I just went through all my sheets and have one fitted sheet. Does anyone else have this problem? Any recs for sheets? I'm thinking I would be willing to splurge a bit if the sheets will last more than a few months. Help!
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Bed Sheet Recs
Years ago, I worked in the bedding department in a finer dept store. One of the best ideas was to look through the flat sheets on clearance and buy 2 of the same . Then you lay one flat sheet on the mattress and tie knots in each corner to make it a custom fitted sheet. Then use the other flat sheet for a "flat sheet." That way you can adjust (tighten /loosen the knots) to have the amount of give you need.
Originally posted by Momo View PostYears ago, I worked in the bedding department in a finer dept store. One of the best ideas was to look through the flat sheets on clearance and buy 2 of the same . Then you lay one flat sheet on the mattress and tie knots in each corner to make it a custom fitted sheet. Then use the other flat sheet for a "flat sheet." That way you can adjust (tighten /loosen the knots) to have the amount of give you need.Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.
I've actually had really great luck with TJ MAXX/Home Good. They are usually great quality but some of the colors can be strange. I scored and got a set of 600TC khaki colored sheets for $30! Kohl's will also run great specials on their "higher end" sheets which are still considerably cheaper than Macy's Home Collection (which I, unfortunately, adore).
Good Luck!sigpic
buckeye born, raised, and educated... thankfully, so is my wonderful med student husband...
I got a really nice set (i want to say it's 1000 tc Egyptian Cotton) at Tuesday Morning for about $60 or $70 and another one as a gift from Amazon. I love them both. All my other sheets bought from Kohls and the like are nothing to write home about.
Are you using bleach? High heat in the dryer? Is the fitted sheet big enough for the mattress so that you don't have to tug and pull on it every time you put it on? They make different sizes to accommodate deeper mattresses or featherbeds on top of mattresses.Cristina
Just bought a pair of 900 TC at Ross: $49!
I get sheets from there, TJMaxx and Marshall's.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkWife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
Professional Relocation Specialist &
"The Official IMSN Enabler"
We got two sets of the Macys Home Collection sheets for our wedding. They are pricy but we've used them for 4 years, washing them weekly, and they are still like new. I don't know if I would have got them if they weren't a gift but now that I've used them, I think they would be well worth the investment.Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.
I'm a sateen hater too. Give me super-crisp, cool sheets! For the same reason, I don't usually go super-high thread count, I stay somewhere in the middle. I've had some luck recently with the "Perfect Percale" sheets from Bed Bath & Beyond. We've only had them 6 months or so, but they're going strong. Between 2 fully clawed cats and my bad laundry habits, all our previous sheets have gotten worn out within a year or so. I also found some at Target to put on our wedding registry -- the Thomas O'Brien "Cool Crisp" sheet sets.Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.
We do have two cats and they used to fight on the bed - so maybe that is our problem? I wash the sheets every week to two weeks in cold and dry on medium hot. We have a 10+ year old mattress that is 9"deep and no additional padding either. I actually find it annoying that all the new sheets are made for extra deep mattresses. Guess I should have a way to clip them tighter underneath. The last set of sheets that just died from my mom was for an extra deep mattress and all the extra material that would bunch up was kind of annoying. I'm thinking of checking out the Perfect Percale at BBB, also stopping by TJ Max, Ross or Marshals.
Thanks for all the suggestions!Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.
I wonder if a somewhat worn out mattress, or the fact that the sheets are too deep, is also contributing to the sheet wear? You could try a padded mattress cover if you think that might be a problem. When I had a flatter mattress I used to use one of those egg crate foam toppers (flipped upside down so it wasn't bumpy) covered with a padded mattress pad. It might prevent the sheets from rubbing against the mattress and wearing out quicker.Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.
If you meant me, I'm aware of the games they play with thread counts. I won't even consider a sheet set unless it clearly says that it's single ply. Most of the ones at Kohls, for example, say nothing one way or another. They feel fine to the touch, but I feel like it's not a true apples-to-apples comparison if that information is missing.Cristina