I have been leaning in this direction for a while- trying to use more natural cleaners and personal products. However I have been inspired to fully detox my house of unsafe cleaners and personal products after watching the documentary "Chemerical". In the documentary a family decided to go all natural with cleaning and personal products for a month. It was really interesting and gave me the oomph to go forward myself. It is also much cheaper to use homemade cleaners than store bought so I figure that is a bonus.
I know there are several of us who lean in this direction. I would like those who are inclined to list what they do in their home clean and personal care wise that is natural, your favorite cleaning recipes, your favorite blogs or websites and any movies/documentaries you recommend.
So far for myself these are the steps I've taken:
Removed almost all commercial cleaners out of the house- I still have Dawn dish soap and Ecover dishwasher tablets. I plan to make my own dish soap in the near future and maybe even try my own dishwasher soap, but I'm not there yet.
Made my own laundry soap
Have a general purpose cleaner of: few drops of essential oil, few drops of dish soap, water and vinegar (about 30% vinegar, 70% water). I've been using this to clean windows, mirrors, counters, stainless steel surfaces, my stove, and other random surfaces.
Mop with a hot water and vinegar mix
Clean my tub/shower and sinks with my general purpose cleaner with some baking soda sprinkled on. I've also used this for the toilet, though I'm thinking about something more specific for the toilet. I have heard of toilet bombs but haven't tired one yet.
Regarding self care products I have some work to do. So far I've:
I've changed our deodorant out to Toms- though I'm not certain that it's actually safe.
Still need to change my face cream, toothpaste, mouthwash, dh's shaving cream, hair gel and shampoo.
I have changed our body soap to a Castile soap and for my face I'm washing it with Dr. Woods Shea Vision (black soap with shea butter).
http://www.ewg.org/skindeep - is a cosmetics database that you can search and it will tell you the ingredients and risk factors associated with them of the product.
http://www.labelwatch.com/ - is another database that lists the ingredients of food products. I haven't explored this website yet.
A couple of blogs I've been looking at that have natural recipes and such:
Okay, I have to go pick up O from preschool now. I'm looking forward to see everyone's tips!
I know there are several of us who lean in this direction. I would like those who are inclined to list what they do in their home clean and personal care wise that is natural, your favorite cleaning recipes, your favorite blogs or websites and any movies/documentaries you recommend.
So far for myself these are the steps I've taken:
Removed almost all commercial cleaners out of the house- I still have Dawn dish soap and Ecover dishwasher tablets. I plan to make my own dish soap in the near future and maybe even try my own dishwasher soap, but I'm not there yet.
Made my own laundry soap
Have a general purpose cleaner of: few drops of essential oil, few drops of dish soap, water and vinegar (about 30% vinegar, 70% water). I've been using this to clean windows, mirrors, counters, stainless steel surfaces, my stove, and other random surfaces.
Mop with a hot water and vinegar mix
Clean my tub/shower and sinks with my general purpose cleaner with some baking soda sprinkled on. I've also used this for the toilet, though I'm thinking about something more specific for the toilet. I have heard of toilet bombs but haven't tired one yet.
Regarding self care products I have some work to do. So far I've:
I've changed our deodorant out to Toms- though I'm not certain that it's actually safe.
Still need to change my face cream, toothpaste, mouthwash, dh's shaving cream, hair gel and shampoo.
I have changed our body soap to a Castile soap and for my face I'm washing it with Dr. Woods Shea Vision (black soap with shea butter).
http://www.ewg.org/skindeep - is a cosmetics database that you can search and it will tell you the ingredients and risk factors associated with them of the product.
http://www.labelwatch.com/ - is another database that lists the ingredients of food products. I haven't explored this website yet.
A couple of blogs I've been looking at that have natural recipes and such:
Okay, I have to go pick up O from preschool now. I'm looking forward to see everyone's tips!