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Gas cooktop

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  • Gas cooktop

    We need a new cooktop. Ours sucks and two burners won't light anymore. I'm pretty sure it's the original one that was put in the house (built in 1996). Any one love theirs? I can't remember the dimensions of ours .... Maybe 30 in? i know it usnt a 36. We have 4 burners and a center downdraft. I'm Also trying to decide if we want to switch to 5 burners or keep 4 with a downdraft.

    Any recommendations?
    Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.

  • #2
    We're hoping to replace our 30" gas cooktop soon. We're debating 5 vs 4 burners too.

    I know we're strongly considering this one as a 4 burner options:
    Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer


    • #3
      Totally read this as"glass" cooktop and was like nooooo upgrade to gas!!
      Wife, support system, and partner-in-crime to PGY-3 (IM) and spoiler of our 11 y/o yellow lab



      • #4
        I know most people don't like the thought of abandoning gas, but we LOVE LOVE ADORE!!! our thermador induction cooktop. We have the pop-up vent, too. I put the pans on a silpat to keep the cooktop clean. It is spotless after four years, and is just as sensitive as gas. (if that makes sense) I will never go back to gas. They're a pain in the rear to keep clean.


        • #5
          Originally posted by BonBon View Post
          I know most people don't like the thought of abandoning gas, but we LOVE LOVE ADORE!!! our thermador induction cooktop. We have the pop-up vent, too. I put the pans on a silpat to keep the cooktop clean. It is spotless after four years, and is just as sensitive as gas. (if that makes sense) I will never go back to gas. They're a pain in the rear to keep clean.
          I'll have to keep this in mind - I hate hate hate electric because of the sensitivity issue

          Wife of a PGY-4 Orthopod
          Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


          • #6
            Yeah, induction is NOTHING like electric. A small pot of water boils in a minute. (a large pot, however, still takes a while...)


            • #7
              We love our induction cooktop too, but you do have to make sure your pans are compatible with it (they have to be all aluminum or something in order to conduct the heat). We had to get new ones, but our others were almost 20 years old, so I didn't mind....we just moved them down to our basement kitchen.
              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

              "I don't know when Dad will be home."


              • #8
                Whoa! Maybe I need to start a thread. Just left a gas cooktop for not know what kind but is one of those glass cooktops that heat up just as fast. I loooove cooking with my cast-iron. Think I will have to change? ALso, what is this about using a silpat? Man, all of the sudden I feel like I have a lot to research.

                Back to the original long as you do not get a VIking, you will be fine. But seriously, We had 4 burners and a downdraft. When we changed, we went to 4 burners, a griddle and got one of those downdrafts that pop up and then go back down. SO, if you think that you will use 5 burners, you can always get the additional downdraft system. If I could do it all over again, I would go with the JennAire. Wish this guy had been around when we ordered ours.
                Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


                • #9
                  "Glass" is not always induction, I'm pretty sure.

                  LOVE Jenn-Air.
                  Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by poky View Post
                    "Glass" is not always induction, I'm pretty sure.

                    LOVE Jenn-Air.
                    Correct. We have a glass cooktop and it's not induction. Actually, I kind of hate it and wish we still had gas for cooking.


                    • #11
                      Now y'all are scaring me because the cooktop DH picked out for the new kitchen is a Viking! It's the only high end piece we're getting besides the Miele DW.
                      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SuzySunshine View Post
                        Now y'all are scaring me because the cooktop DH picked out for the new kitchen is a Viking! It's the only high end piece we're getting besides the Miele DW.
                        To be fair, it was a great cooktop. However, if I am paying for a Viking, I believe I should not have to use a bic lighter to get a flame...ya know? We had to replace that part twice.
                        Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


                        • #13
                          My mom has a really amazing Viking and LOVES it! I don't think she's had any problems.
                          Allison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by medpedspouse View Post
                            Whoa! Maybe I need to start a thread. Just left a gas cooktop for not know what kind but is one of those glass cooktops that heat up just as fast. I loooove cooking with my cast-iron. Think I will have to change? ALso, what is this about using a silpat? Man, all of the sudden I feel like I have a lot to research.

                            Back to the original long as you do not get a VIking, you will be fine. But seriously, We had 4 burners and a downdraft. When we changed, we went to 4 burners, a griddle and got one of those downdrafts that pop up and then go back down. SO, if you think that you will use 5 burners, you can always get the additional downdraft system. If I could do it all over again, I would go with the JennAire. Wish this guy had been around when we ordered ours.
                            You can use cast-iron with induction. I use the silpats because it not only prevents scratches to the glass (which isn't supposed to happen, but I've been alive long enough to not believe it) but it makes cleaning a piece of cake. I still have nightmares about my gas cooktop...taking it apart, cleaning all the pieces, getting out crumbs. Yes, I'm very lazy. I don't like to clean. Mine was also a Jenn-aire with a grill. I refused to use the grill because I didn't want to clean it.


                            • #15
                              I'm so our of the loop, I have never even heard of induction for a stove/cooktop! I've just seen it with ovens. So cool!
                              Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.

