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How do I organize this?

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  • How do I organize this?

    Ok, since hubby and middle child are off to a conference, I am cleaning out my craft closet. At the same time I am going through tubs and albums in there and finding pictures for my middle son's graduation video. Now, prior to the digital age, my negatives are organized by dates in photograph boxes. I also have picture albums until we hit the digital age in 2002. Now after that, it is spotty. I have a few albums I've done. We do have all of our pictures backed up digitally in several formats. I also have a CD of all the pictures organized chronologically.

    Now, here is what is NOT organized....

    I had great hopes of scrapbooking... We have taken 2 to 4 family vacations a year or anniversary trips or something. So I would buy scrapbooking themed stuff, have the picture and all the brochures in a sack... So I probably have 20 sacks like that. ( Like our family trip to Disney world with the album, all the Disney theme stickers, tickets, etc or the camping trip to Yellowstone) I have quit doing that, but the 20 half started ones are in there. I also have 3 giant tubs of memorabilia. As I was looking through there I found letters from various grandparents and parents, many of whom are now deceased. I have programs from college graduation, med school graduation, choir programs, etc. I found my acceptance to college and report cards they mailed to my father. ( Before the current, you have to get permission from your student to see their grades age...) A letter my granddad wrote to ask for admission to college in 1932. Tons of pictures, some I took, but I believe many of these are ones other relatives sent me over the years as well as all of those sports picture packages and such.

    I don't know that I will take the time right now to organize those tubs. However, when all of my children are gone, what is the best way to organize all of this??? I'm sort of at a loss. There is just so much stuff. I could have spent hours reading the letters that were in there. My 8th grade diary was in there!!!!

  • #2
    Originally posted by spaz View Post
    Ok, since hubby and middle child are off to a conference, I am cleaning out my craft closet. At the same time I am going through tubs and albums in there and finding pictures for my middle son's graduation video. Now, prior to the digital age, my negatives are organized by dates in photograph boxes. I also have picture albums until we hit the digital age in 2002. Now after that, it is spotty. I have a few albums I've done. We do have all of our pictures backed up digitally in several formats. I also have a CD of all the pictures organized chronologically.

    Now, here is what is NOT organized....

    I had great hopes of scrapbooking... We have taken 2 to 4 family vacations a year or anniversary trips or something. So I would buy scrapbooking themed stuff, have the picture and all the brochures in a sack... So I probably have 20 sacks like that. ( Like our family trip to Disney world with the album, all the Disney theme stickers, tickets, etc or the camping trip to Yellowstone) I have quit doing that, but the 20 half started ones are in there. I also have 3 giant tubs of memorabilia. As I was looking through there I found letters from various grandparents and parents, many of whom are now deceased. I have programs from college graduation, med school graduation, choir programs, etc. I found my acceptance to college and report cards they mailed to my father. ( Before the current, you have to get permission from your student to see their grades age...) A letter my granddad wrote to ask for admission to college in 1932. Tons of pictures, some I took, but I believe many of these are ones other relatives sent me over the years as well as all of those sports picture packages and such.

    I don't know that I will take the time right now to organize those tubs. However, when all of my children are gone, what is the best way to organize all of this??? I'm sort of at a loss. There is just so much stuff. I could have spent hours reading the letters that were in there. My 8th grade diary was in there!!!!
    I have NO good advice, but am in EXACTLY the same boat (boxes and boxes of memorabilia, some of which is in bags by trip, etc.), so I'm waiting eagerly to hear people's suggestions!
    Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


    • #3
      Scan or take pictures of things like letters or diary pages. As far as the scrapbooking stuff/pictures, there are a couple options. 1) outsource and let someone finish albums for you 2) outsource the scanning of all the pictures to digital and then create digital scrapbooks online and have them printed out. Scrapbooking is very time consuming (I spend 1-3 hours/page depending on complexity) 3) Buy a bunch of "pocket" albums, throw the pictures in there, throw the "stuff" in a pocket in the album or in a pencil case (if it's a 3-ring album).

      Send the quilt off to be finished or set a deadline to finish it yourself.

      As far as general organizing, do it in small bites. Set a timer or an endpoint. Create 3 totes for your kids' stuff.

      I lean towards getting rid of things and eliminating clutter and using storage for things that I either use (like holiday decorations) or are irreplaceable either in general or currently (like our digital piano). If something is not being used or enjoyed or even looked at ever, why is it being kept?
      Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


      • #4
        I'm also in this club. My closet is scaaaaary. But also very interesting to visit! I've also got all the family geneaology stuff thrown in there for good measure. One day, I'll have it all organized, I swear. *fingers crossed*

        I have started the take photos of everything process with stuff many times. It's still overwhelming. Also, I ended up not knowing what to label the shots in the cases of old family photos that didn't belong to me. I'm thinking I need to stop thinking and just DO IT. At least they will all be digital, and I can begin organizing them in one form.

        I'd like a good way to display some of the letters -- and also storage info. I have old letters that date back to the 1700s in some of these cases. I hate to throw them out and digitizing doesn't do them justice. I'm not a museum though and I know that the propper storage isn't happening.
        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


        • #5

          In my dreams I have a family gallery of shadow boxes like Darcy's. It would be so fun to see a family's wall like this...


          • #6
            ^That's so perfect it's sickening
            Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


            • #7
              I've actually made a few shadow boxes from our vacations. My favorite one is our Disney one. It has fast passes, pins, pictures, etc. Fun.

              On another board someone mentioned this:

              It might work. I will probably wait until middle one leaves and then make his room the organization/ assembly center.

              Originally posted by Ladybug View Post

              In my dreams I have a family gallery of shadow boxes like Darcy's. It would be so fun to see a family's wall like this...

