Our area has pretty heavy minerals in the water. We were having weird erratic temperatures, where we'd turn the dial way up and get lukewarm water, but then a few days later it'd be scalding, that kind of thing. Called the repair guy out and he unearthed like a foot deep of this sludge stuff at the bottom of the tank. Cleared that out, the sensors worked again, and everything was fine. So now we have a system where we run a garden hose in one place and out another, and blast the sludge out -- DH has it on the calendar to do once a year, I think he figured out how to do it by looking on Youtube. Seems to be keeping it running against all odds. I don't know if it's a normal thing to have to do or not.
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Hot Water Heater
My BIL is a plumber and I think he recommended flushing them once a year although we've never actually done it. We were in our last house for 6 years and installed two water heaters. Both times it was an emergency replacement with them leaking all over so we just went with whatever they had on hand. The second time though I think it was still under warranty so it wasn't as bad. I think I'll go look for some YouTube videos and add flushing the water heater to my to-do list.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkWife of Anesthesiology Resident